Kipuka: The origin does not come from the horses end!



Wake up!  The great white hope have been around for a long time. Capt. Cook was murdered (in self-defense) by Maoli people!  Let's not revist that lala over and over again and again in discovery context.


Want to discover --cool!  Just note the 'Discovery' along the side of Capt. Cook and Columbus kine history learning that can be cool too.  Slow cooking stone soup gives a false sense of 'we know can understand'  the true and origin of Kipuka!


I'm not a Paniolo Cowboy, but I know the difference between 1980 and the 1800 era.  To usurp 'kipuka' from the 1800s and then use it in today's modern thinking process to explain Nationalism and Kauai Prince Kuhio confuses everyone.  The missing link here is John Wise.  So what gives, huh!


Haloa exist and all the birthing stones are still being practiced!  Halawa birthing came way after! 


Did we put the birth on a sacrificial ahu as in Christiandom?  Yes!  That is the 1970s,1980s Kipuka, the great-white-hope-of-liberty. 


Hawaiian Kingdom law fixed in history and fix it in publishing (capitalism), are plaguing our classrooms.  The foundation are our children not just the authors of books, especially when their is a an intent to change the minds of the young. 


I grew up in the land of the Great-white-hope-Blanch Pope classroom garbage.  I would have liked to have grown up in Liliu's beauty and grace one that was imprisoned and had her Hawaiian Kingdom Stolen.  Not the Women Sufferage of 1920s that is internationally connected.  These women are part of the Great Rockerfellar landscape--dead babies that is their kipuka. 


Lazy, and sly thinking!




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