Bunch of liars in the eye over the eye, bait the hook and throw.  What you got? A bunch of lolo Na Kanaka's--yeah right!  Conrow running the Pentagon 2050 Sustainable Plus Plus nuclear isotope agenda for a pay check too?  Or, more stimulus monies for the Island of Kauai cause they too are stupid heads with their off shore dumping of nuclear waste in their riff zone near Niihau.  Much of the information that Brett Klukan used came from the postings on Maoliworld that hit the Google World within seconds.  The article is a bit distorted by Conrow, but plausible to work with.  The first problem is that the military illegally transported Depleted Uranium contaminated soil to Makua--900 tons of it. The second problem is that the Army built a fire lane from makai to mauka (Public Law 103-150 Nov 23, 1993) with contaminated soils from different military bases and that the contaminants were transported along Farrington Highway to Makua.  This is a surface fire lane that can be seen from Washington DC from an aerial photo.  Hans Honerlah, from Baltimore District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, knew he was wrong from the onset for removing DU from Schofield.  He responded that it was an Army battle cry, and chose to charge with bayonets!  Thirdly, a pure sadness is that all of Waianae's children are now 'Downwinders' and even worse the disease is timed honored.  The military and all players knew this to be true.  We are at war and our US country needs patriotic action and that was the feelings in the air from Wahiawa, Waianae and Oahu Hawaiian Civic Club members. The dirty collaboration between community leaders and the military signed a covenant social agreement between parties.  Thus a false agreement was drawn for Schofield residence; but on the other hand the commited genocide to our Waianae children.  Aside from damaged goods Waianae children are under age, and the rules for war does not apply to children set forth by the former Presidents Clinton and Senior Bush.



Now that's been said the real issue needs to be understood.  The Pentagon 2050 Sustainable Plus Plus Plan has not been ratified with the local and state plan, therefore, it was illegal.  We needed a constitutional change and Robert ‘Robbie’ Alm HECO’s Senior Vice President has been stalling this process. Powering down the military that have entrepreneurial contracts with 8 (a) status for procurements, they did not factor in the safety of our people--just because!  And that's exactly what Cabrera Services did 'gamble our future away' in Waianae for 'just kine' reasons. 


The interpretation of to 'posses' and 'use' are shrouded in a death sentences for Waianae residence.  The Hawaiian Usage or Common Law is being factored into this problem.  The (lolo Hawaiians) Na Kanaka are saying it is their desire for the military to clean up their mess, but what they are not listening to is the right to posses DU and then to use DU again and again in live fire training at Schofield and within three miles of our children.  Why Na Kanaka get stink 'ea?  What because they like 'dat!  Not so easy!  The fact is it's their jobs, livelihood, or status that's at stake therefore m'oa easy to look the o'dah way!  Foolish!


So as Conrow slip knot pass your eyes, one cannot see the real thing.  Isotopes are a strange industry with lots of economic gains and employment for Hawaii.  There is no one out there looking out for the safety and quality of life for the children that are yet to be born, recently born and now attending elementary schools.  They are not ever factored in when the rules of war exist.  Time honored yes, but to cheat at the table with a loaded dice one cannot conceive Cabrera Services not paying out big bucks to our locals just as they did in October 2009-10 to transporting contaminated soil to Makua a 'local style' clean up of DU by our lolo braddah's!  This gottah stop!  We need to educate ourselves and no play stupid!


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  • Agent Pink is many times more toxic than AGent Orange. Also Agent Purple is more toxic. Neither of these were mentioned in any of the reports demanded by politicians from the Department of Defense regarding chemical use outside Vietnam.

    Beverly Keever, Pulitzer Prize nominated UH journalism professor (retired) Honolulu Star Bulletin Editorial March 27, 2005: "Testing was done without warning UH employees or the nearby Kapaa community even though in 1962, just months before being assassinated, President Kennedy was told that Agent Orange could cause adverse health effects, U.S. court documents show. And a 1968 test report written by four UH agronomists said that on Kauai AGent Orange, alone or combined with Agent Pink, Purple or Blue, was effective and 'obviously may also be lethal.'"

    One study of Agent White determined that the individual components of Agent White did not kill sheep, but when combined all the sheep died. They had no idea what they were producing mixing all that crap together. Of course, I can't locate that UH report.
    • Aloha Sheridan Collins,

      Got a bit off track from the subject of toxin and am a bit tired too. Attended a meeting for a school problem and used brain work to reach the community.

      If our children don't past the HSA No Child Left Behind test then the Principals can get fired. Which is what had happened, but it wasn't possible for these children in 2 1/2 years. They needed more time to address their personal problems (homelessness and poverty) and then rise above their conditioning and incorporate learning at school. Their Board was looking for miracles and our children couldn't produce fairy dust on their test.

      Will come back to discuss poision dust! I hear you on telling our children what had happened, my mother had a hard time her whole life telling me about the baby she had to abort by cinide pill because of Atmospheric Nuclear Testing in the islands for the military Bravo operation. As for myself how do I tell my children was exposed to DDT and their dad to Agent Orange from Kauai and Vietnam. And now DU!
      • Kaohi you are at a normal time for computer activity, but I am five or six hours later. Too tired right now. I was just sitting here thinking about all that fine red oily clay dust on everything.

        The kids in New Mexico are in the same boat. All trying to be stuffed into a mold of white cookie cutter type education. Kids here learn more about everything on the ranches and farms than in the schools. Every family in Chimayo has at least one heroin addict. Chimayo is THE biggest entrance of heroin into the US. I know how it is to be so harassed at home that you feel better just sitting numb in a classroom. Not much info gets in the head in that situation. I learned more at Kapaa High during the years they were saying it was not accredited than I learned anywhere else. Some really interesting teachers. Too bad they kept trying to shove me into the office and secretary courses. That made me really mad and I failed them all. I actually was three credits short of graduating, but they graduated me anyway just to get rid of me - thank god. They were tired of me raising hell about the shop classes I wanted to take.

        I remember hearing a story about a city kid taking a test and getting a bad score on it because he didn't know what a fishing creel was. The whole test was reading a story about a creel and all the questions were about the creel and what they were doing with it. A spanish country kid around here wouldn't know what a creel is either. But any country kid anywhere Spanish or not, would be able to follow a story about a latigo or a concha - and remember the whole thing, get all the questions right. The people who know about fishing creels are all in Eddie Bauer catalogs. Ever see a Spanish or Hawaiian kid in there? The Spanish or Hawaiian kid would be trying to figure out why the people in the story were using that stupid thing anyway. Right after that, they might be wondering if they were stupid or worthless because they don't know what this kind of stuff is. I felt like that in Hawaii sometimes when I was 11. Then I realized I just needed to learn about it. Before I was 12 I knew that asking a million questions was not going to teach me anything. I learned to be quiet and wait. No Child Left Behind is all about asking and asking and competition. When my youngest daughter was in 3rd grade I went to her class for a meeting. All the other kids had a lot of books read on a big graph on the wall. My daughter had one book read. I knew she was reading all my college text books, so I asked her what was going on. She said the prize for the most books was a banana split and kids shouldn't be reading books to get a banana split. I couldn't argue with that. I told her that she needed to figure out what that teacher wanted and do it so she could get the heck out of there. Love that kid.
        • Yes true, I want to throw up when I see a teacher throwing five pieces of candy across the room filled with 20 plus children as if they were dogs salivating.

          Stupid teachers use the word bullying instead of conflict resolution, they enjoy the drama.

          We had homeeconomics so we would go home and have babies before graduation to keep up with the dying race.

          A teacher did a competitive a and b group challenge. Is it proper noun or common noun? As in little people and high mucky muck!
  • Isn't that the truth - somebody needs to do some patriotic thing. I have been coming across people talking about senators in Hawaii taking thousands from Monsanto. A lot of talk about it.

    Still trying to understand how it is OK to destroy a subsistence culture by making the traditional ways illegal, then telling people they can do some other menial work that is dangerous for a hundred reasons. How did the Alaska Natives get their subsistence fishing rights back? The tribes in Washington State did too.
  • amelia,

    From Sheridan Collins

    A 1968 report written by UH agronomists document that Agents Pink and Purple were also used on Kauai. I will do some research on what these are later. Also, the report states that these chemicals were mixed together. In one study I read on Agent White, the chemcals did not produce death in sheep individually, but when combined the sheep died. We were all guinea pigs. They had no idea what they were producing or what the health effects were gong to be.

    I found the Hawaii Department of Health annual reports. The Agricultural Station on Kauai is still active as of 2010. Barrels were still being excavated after 2002. How is this possible? Dioxin causes serious, sometimes fatal health problems in as little as .25 part per TRILLION. (That is twenty five hundredths.) That is like one drop of water in 20 olympic size swimming pools. That is like 3 seconds out of every 100,000 years. IT IS ALMOST NOTHING. Yet the cleanup at the Wailua Reservoir is ungoing and it is right next to Wailua Homesteads.

    WHY ARE THE WATERS WELLS IN WAILUA HOMESTEADS BEING INVESTIGATED FOR TOXINS??? It is all very vague, but the investigation is ongoing. Some of the chemicals dumped all over up there have an extremely slow dispersal rate. Dioxin goes straight into the fat cells and stays there until things start moving. It's like continuous poisoning.

    Kaohi, do you look at the CERCLA investigations and reports on toxic waste? I just found long lists with photos of the spills, etc. I have not had time to go back and check to see if the dump by your home is there.

    Do you know what the birth defects and cancer rates are for Wailua? It looks to me like the guinea pig effect is still happening there and no one is questioning it. I have not seen one report on illness in the population. Of course, the children won't start getting sick for 20 years. They are much more susceptible because their weight to exposure ratio is different than adults. Also, developing organs are much more susceptible. These are hormonal chemicals that cause severe endocrine disruption and DNA damage.
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