King Lunalilo..........His Identity Exposed, the Truth About the 1852 Constitution Revealed, Was the Only Candidate, Stepped Forward, and Allowed the People to Have a Say......

                                                                                         by Amelia Gora (2015)

King Lunalilo was Kamehameha's great grandson.

The following is his genealogy based on Charles Kanaina's land testimony:



Kinau (w) married Kamehameha II - Liholiho; Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa nephew of 

             /           Kamehameha


David Kamehameha - his kahu/caretaker was Kaahumanu wife of Kamehameha

         /      siblings:  Paalua; Ruth Keelikolani; Moses Kaikioewa; Lot/Kamehameha V; Alexander

       /                           Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu; hanai: Bernice Pauahi;  

     /                             Step siblings:  John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani (w)


William Charles Lunalilo - son of Kekauluohi/Auhea married to Kamehameha; Kamehameha II;    David Kamehameha; and Charles Kanaina

Lunalilo (PP-98-15-018).jpg

  1. Lunalilo
  2. Lunalilo, born William Charles Lunalilo, was monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi from January 8, 1873 until February 3, 1874. He was the most liberal king in Hawaiian history, but was the shortest-reigning monarch. Wikipedia
  3. BornJanuary 31, 1835, ʻIolani Palace, Honolulu, HI
  4. DiedFebruary 3, 1874, Honolulu, HI

King Lunalilo was the son of Kamehameha's, Kamehameha II's widow; son of David Kamehameha; and stepson of Charles Kanaina.  


The following article shows a number of interesting things:

1.  Prince Lunalilo ran unopposed.

2.  Prince Lunalilo's desire was to utilize the Constition of 1852 which was Not abrogated.

3.  Prince Lunalilo became King Lunalilo rather than follow his Family's title of Kamehameha, which would have been Kamehameha VI after his uncle Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V.

4.  The treasonous persons, Pirates surrounding him were the same players who planned, promoted the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani/overthrow of the Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy government.

      They were as follows:  

      Sanford B. Dole - called the meeting.

      S.G. Wilder

      W.W. Hall

      Albert Francis Judd

      H.M. Whitney

      J.M. Kapena

      E.P. Adams

      P.C. Jones

      J.O. Carter

     J.I. Dowsett

Note:  The article was biased because the claim that all governments were by the people was simply not true.  

See the explanation of the Hawaiian Government in the Rex vs. Joseph Booth case which documents what the Hawaiian Government beginnings were, which was Not the same as the American basis to government.  The push for democracy occurred during the period of King Lunalilo's period:

see:  Free Ebook available:  

For  researchers, students, teachers, et. als.:  The following utilizes the Rex vs. Joseph Booth case by Americans and their push to validating American thoughts, ideas, politics onto a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy government and to use their desired idea of placing Hawaiians in the Native American/American Indian category which falls under the American Empire.....however, the Kamehameha's exists with the Treaty of 1850 between the King, his heirs and successors and the United States of America which does not include others.  Treaty supersedes the State, Federal laws, etc.  and many who wish to have a say, have no say..... see:

The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, December 28, 1872, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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