ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,   During the Only Public Hearings of the AKaKa BILL in Honolulu in 2000 the Mana'o I'o among us was KILL THE AKaKa BILL.  We who have put our lives on the line with getting arrested many times in the past saw thru the AKaKa BILL. 

   Some of those there at the public hearing told me that I kept on going up before the Senate

Committee Hearing with the Flag of the Hawaiian Kingdom that I would get Arrest.  I was prepared to

get Arrested.  

   I even with up before the Senate Committee holding what is now called the Kanama Maoli Flag.

   Even at the State Legislature I testified against the AKaKa BILL. 

   Ask many of those who were at the Public Hearings on the AKaKa BILL.

   I went there on my own Two Feet standing up and defending the rights of our Kanaka Maoli people. Standing alone as I have done many times in the past.  Standing alone because of the strong positions that I take on protecting the right of our people. 

   For all this I am non being attacked here on Mailwold by Kaohi with her Lies. 

   I remain strongly against the AKaKa BILL.  Burn It. 

Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993  


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  • Inouye is bragging that he is gonna get the bill past by the end of july. he's trying to deal with four Republican senetors to get it passed. if you got to stop akaka bill website you can click on each picture of the senator and u can send a message of oppostion to them it's real easy a letter is provided i cut and pasted it to all four and it took less than 10 minutes we gotta stop this
    • e Koa, If Inouye gets the AKaKa BILL pasted by the ned of July then What? What should We do?
      BURN THE AKaKa BILL, o Pomai
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