How can someone else allow you to be sovereign? Either you're in charge of your own destiny or you are not. Did early settlers in America wait for Britain to pass a law to give them independence? No, they declared independence from Britain.
Hawai`i is at a major crossroads right now. Our infrastructure is aging, our landfills are overflowing and our resources are dwindling.
We need to declare independence from Mainland practices that are not benefiting us and bargain with access to our land as a most isolated place on the planet. We are islanders who need to realize we cannot continue to live with a continental mentality....
...Leaders of Hawai`i, please lead us to a future where we who actually live here determine our own fate and treasure our ancestral abilities to live in balance with the land and ocean....
Kaimiloa Wright
Kahului, Maui
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Excellent Mana'o,
However, simplistice one is being at this moment, one might change one's mind over time. One calls for community discussion and supports sovereign Hawai'i and then hurt and slam the First People. The race thing is an old age 300 year old argument over layed upon the first people particularly 'child bearing in women and their children in Hawaii.'
The overthrow of the Hawaiian Government was based on transitioning from Monarch to Government, true not on race in 1893, however the First People of Hawaii existed in all levels of civil society in Hawaii. All Na Kanaka (First People) were intelligent people and considered far more intelligent in many ways in the Pacific Ocean and Pacific Islanders. They were highly respected and still are respected by other Pacific Islanders, we the First People are considered connecting to the center of all Pacific peoples.
The Akaka Bill in somewhat form still exist as it has for 300 years, one needs to dig a little deeper in the 'thought' process of the deeper abyss of the language or contents of that bill. It garners the history of US Native Americans and they are our distant connected common touch of spirit. The unbias Independence groups for some not all divorced themselves from the First People and I am seeing it happening in ones writing too. So think because they are 'corporations' belonging to the military here on Oahu that call themselves Native Hawaiians and they are haole military people. The are the UXO group. One should not be too loose with the wording Native Hawaiian.
I like your expression on sovereign, but unlike you I've always had a problem with the mere 'idea' of sovereign only because it's like the first sin type of thing that the missionaries casted upon the first people. It wavers, and flip flop as the world turns on it's okole. To put a question to it's usage was 'clever' it shows that you do have some intelligence. They declared war the Americans and the British --Hawaii played an important part in their relgious history just check out the multi-missionary churches we have both England and American protestant up the Nuuanu Road (and other things). We also have Don Marin's rose bushes in ohter words the Queens symbol for 'Friendly Nation' stuff. Although I am liking your assertion, it turns on itself for lack of history. Isn't the rose the symbol of Maui? (sorry cheap shot) But, you gottah admit one is being only too clever or not really using good thinking skills.
Your next sentence is an economic one that comes from the theory of 'Scarcity" I suck at Micro Econ so I pass!
I like your Republican Tea Party Hawaiian kine stuff, but it is really tells me that you are Patronizing Native Hawaiians on that one. So, Mr. Wright get it together draw you lines with clarity and don't think for a moment that Native Hawaiians are stupid!
For a very long time Saul Alinsky has been my favorite author to read about 15 years, it was Cesar Chavez movement that led me to the Latino United Farm Workers Union and all that horrendous times that Hawaii Unions turned their nose up to, so very sad. The Republican Tea Party used Saul Alinsky for rules of engagement which was sorta funny. Funny because we have a Democrat in the Governors office, and in his (Saul Alinsky 'Radicals') book their is a time when he met with the Native Americans. This is a blatant Saul Alinsky thinking "continental mentality" talk and talk it is. Cause one really don't have it together when one writes it's next sentence. Leader's of Hawaii ...future...multi-white live here appeal ...missionary faith (fate Lorrin Andrew style) and treasure ( is this the pirate stuff) of the first people (statement) and to live in balance ( Kukuna O Kala rape justice) seems more off what one calls justice.
The land and ocean are speculative assests that Maui has a strong history of money and land stealing in a Lorrin Andrews court. Aha Kiole Advisory Committee is the baby of Maui citizens just check it out.
This is a process that needs reckoning and lots of talk on forums for clarity.
Just wanted to add this off the wall 'talk' to the talk.
I grew up on the song "His eyes is on the sparrow" and am amazed how this song (lauryn Hill) is so popular, the numbers are rising everyday. So I know people are listening to something that had exist for the 'gospel' in the 30's and the 40's and in today's modern world, that's an amazing experience.
This is just a share--not to impose on anyone's beliefs.
Why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely,
And long for heav'n and home,
When Jesus is my portion,
My constant Friend is He;
|: His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me. :|
I sing because I'm happy,
I sing because I'm free;
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.
His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness,
I lose my doubts and fears,
Tho' by the path He leadeth,
But one step I may see;
|: His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me. :|
3. Whenever I am tempted,
Whenever clouds arise,
When song gives place to sighing,
When hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him;
From care He sets me free;
|: His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me. :|