June 1956: Letter from Mrs. Samuel Wilder King, inviting the membership to attend a tea at the Governor's Mansion on Kamehameha Day June 11 from 2:30 P.M. to 5 P.M.

July 1956: Convention delegates and members of the Chorus were given final instructions regarding the trip to Hilo for the Territorial Convention, July 6, 7 and 8.  Honolulu members will go by way of Kona, leaving here July 5th give a Concert and Dance at Waimea that night and leave for Hilo the next morning.

     Mamo Alii Eleanor Kaapuni Leveloff, who just returned from Los Angeles, was welcomed home,

     Alfred Apaka, Sr., told of his plans to move to Canada and make his home there.

October 1956: Plan adopted at Hilo Convention providing for a Territorial Executive Council, was approved by Ahahui Poo.  The Council will formulate policies for consideration by the Board of Directors.

October 1956: Rosalie Barrett, committee chairman, reported that over 250 members and friends will gather at the Eagles Clubhouse October 7th to honor past Iku Hai, Esther Ainoa, with a Luau on her 80th birthday.

November 1956: Minutes of reorganization of Halau O Kealiiahonui in Waimea on October 13th at which time 25 members were initiated, were read.  Meeting was held under auspices of Ahahui Poo, with 10 top officers and 16 other members handling the initiation and installation of officers for Waimea.

December 1956: Social Club Christmas Party held at Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

April 1957: Third and final reading of Resolution increasing death benefits from a minimum of $300.00 to a maximum of $800.00, depending on the number of years a member has been in the Ahahui Poo.  Increases also provided in sick benefits.

May 12, 1957: Mother's day luncheon at Royal Hawaiian Hotel, with Nora Borges, chairman.

June 2, 1957: Report submitted on Mother's Day lucheon: George Naope and troup; Tom Hiona and dancers and Hale O Na Alii musicians and dancers all combined to present a very enjoyable program for the 219 members and friends who were present.  Past Iku Hai, Esther Ainoa, was honor guest.  Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McGregor.  Judge McGregor gave a very inspiring address. The best compliment heard by the chairman was by a guest who said: "The Hale O Na Alii members should be grateful to the Society and its officers for planning such a nice program and for selecting such a beautiful place where they could take their mothers."  The Chairman commented: "too often, we do not realize how much our Society does for us and the hard work and long hours spent to present a successful get-together."

August 1957: Report submitted by Iku Hai on attendance at funeral watch for Lot Abraham Kaulukou, Charter member of Halau O Kapiolani (Kauai).

September 2, 1957: Members accepted invitation to attend the Inauguration of Governor William F. Quinn at Iolani Palace grounds and the reception at the Governor's mansion.

December 14, 1957: Annual Christmas party held at Elks Club.

January 5, 1958: Letters received from Iku Niaupio (Kapiolani Field on Maui) and Iku Wohi (Liliuokolani Morris on Hawaii) thanking Ahahui with a Luau to be held at the Elks Club on April 19th.

February 16, 1958: Conference held with the Regent, Kapiolani Field, at the Hawaiian Village hotel.

March 2, 1958: Pictures taken of officers and members on the steps of Iolani Palace.  Other pictures to be taken later on to be made part of the Anniversary book which will contain the history of the Ahahui as well as the names of all the officers and members.   


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  • This was such an interesting piece to read.  George Nahope, Alfred Apaka Sr. was an thrill to read.  I enjoyed the fact that they had a Mother's Day celebration together.  But, my mood changed instantly on a dime when I read September 2, 1957...ugh, ugh!  Any how Happy Mother's Day! 

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