The Anglos of yesteryear will always misguide the populace in their thoughts.  Na Kanaka only knows the thoughts of their ancestors when the high point of their thinking reaches the holy mounds of Mauna Kea. Anglos are like the waste products they produce out of minerals of mother earth. I can't imagine this new species have anything of value beyond their axis of evil. 


It is mindful that our ancestors were not only first to step on to holy grounds, but they maintained their sacredness since time immemorial. They’re no comparison of two worlds except to shatter into dust particles that floats into nothingness.  We have not in any form of mind, body or soul departed from the very first steps of our ancestors onto the aina of Hawaii.  David Tytell lacked this understanding from the onset of his publication on the cyber space.


There is no recognizable relationship with the Anglos of ‘white nations’ for they are new comers to earth and have not evolved to a mature stake holding of earth majestic Eros.  They have no instinct for self-preservation that is holy and within reach of all nationhood.  Gentlemen agreements are contractual and fluid in nature. It’s as watery as a man’s grave.


The best site in which to study the universe is the open sea; we have such an apparatus in Pearl Harbor that periodically floats out to sea.  Mauna Kea is riddled with dust particles whereas the ocean has almost next to no particles. It is a lesser environment for interference of human activity. Gerard P. Kuiper is a man child playing on a hill with a stick in his hand and he has his mother’s apron for a cape acting as a comic super hero. His alter ego shouts, “it’s the moon, the stars, planets and it taste like ‘Skittles’ my favorite candy.”  Sorry, there was no Skittles back in 1900s just a bunch of gum ball stands in every mom and pop stores.  A penny bought you a tasty treat.  Why does Mauna Kea depict a child’s snow cone dream?  It is mind boggling; I hardly can stand the not so humor in this article that tries to cheapen the vast minds of scientist.


Banking our childhood pennies found on a nearby walk from elementary school one gazes into the atmosphere.  I like to think that I am grasping for the sustained voices.  These voices one hears are the ancestral spirits within that flourishes in the very nature of First Peoples of Hawaii.  This is my familiarity of Mauna Kea. Unlike the unstable minds of David and Gerard, I hardly can understand their entity revenues of capitalistic poverty and on holy grounds.


Gambling beneath the heavens its “20 cents” fluid enema does not permit a clean deal with OHA and its business agreements.  The very vileness that emulsifies the study of space, and things on our holy mound with Anglo machinist warrants the wrath of death squaring. As a means of ‘training humans for combative wars abroad in distant nations” the only essential question is—why? Game boarding on all four corners of the world is just a game.  People dying are an unconceivable practice from a sacred and holy mound we are not responsible for the US military and their breed of thinking.


EPA Regional Nine will be here in March to hear the descendants of the First People and we lack the understanding of why the Pentagon is labeling military toxicity as construction debris. 


That is my contention with holy grounds of Hawaii and the military toxicity aggregating throughout the ‘bio’ of our environment.

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  • Amelia,


    Not sure at this writing what is the 'Letters of Assurance'  I do know that I presented a letter to the Clinton commission, and Jerry the commissioner was a bit pist at the letter, and corrected me on the date, as if it was important to him.  It was important to me for his correction, but I was surface talking and just admitting into the process evidence.  So, it is De Jure. It's a letter that was written to Liliu handwritten by Robertson at the top of my head it was written in 1893, the date was dilebertly smudged.  I got it at the archives. 

  • I'm in no way for any ocean leasing of an inch of the Pacific Ocean to any anglo nation
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