Drug Prevention and Education

Narconon drug educationThere are currently more than 22 million drug users in the United States and a large percentage of them are children and young adults. Ours is a nation that largely praises quick fixes and easy relief, which leads to the event of experimentation followed by addiction.

Did you know that approximately 17.8% of Hawaii middle school students and 28.7% of high school students reported being offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property within the past year? Among high school students, 9.9% reported using marijuana for the first time before age 13.

Narconon drug education and prevention staff have educated over 1.5 million school children through the Narconon drug education and training programs. Our program has demonstrated effectiveness in turning kids away from drugs. The experience and history of our success with students throughout the world is what Narconon Hawaii has to offer students on the islands.

Studies show that early drug prevention must give young children the truth, the vital information and tools they need to make their own choice to keep away from drugs. The Narconon program has been reaching young people with the truth about drugs for over 30 years, bringing them the factual information they need to make the decision not to use drugs.

By continually monitoring trends in youth substance abuse, we are able to keep pace with changing community needs. Our presentations are real and reflect what kids are actually doing.

The Narconon Drug Education presentation curriculum consists of a series of up to eight interactive classroom sessions. Students learn the straight facts about drugs in an engaging and interesting format, with ample opportunity for classroom discussion and participation.

Part of the Narconon Hawaii drug prevention curriculum include topics such as:

What is a drug?

The physical effects of drugs

Marijuana - what it does to the body

The mental effects of drugs

The line of drug addiction

Alcohol and media influences

How drugs effect emotions

Acheiving goals in life

If you would like more information on the Narconon drug education and prevention program or would like to schedule presentations for your students, please contact a Narconon Hawaii representative by filling out the form to the left or call the office at 808-550-0005. Plenty of references are available.

Read about the Narconon Program

Don't forget to check out our drug-free kits too!

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