Angie Debo's landmark work, And Still the Waters Run: The Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes (completed 1936, published 1940), detailed how the allotment policy of the Dawes Act (as later extended to apply to the Five Civilized Tribes through such devices as the Dawes Commission and the Curtis Act of 1898) was systematically manipulated to deprive the Native Americans of their lands and resources.[22] In the words of historian Ellen Fitzpatrick, Debo's book "advanced a crushing analysis of the corruption, moral depravity, and criminal activity that underlay white administration and execution of the allotment policy."[23]
John LaVelle of the University of New Mexico contends that Ward Churchill's interpretation of a "blood quantum" dimension in the Dawes Act is "sorely lacking in historical/factual veracity and scholarly integrity."[24] LaVelle contends that the Act contains no blood quantum requirement, and that such requirements were adopted voluntarily by tribes, and not imposed by the US government. LaVelle asserts that the "main flaw of this federal/tribal conspiracy theory is that it rests on and propagates demonstrably false information concerning the contents and impact of the General Allotment Act."
The fricken 'bloodquantum' was imposed by native Hawaiian women!!!!
White skined men claiming to be native or somewhat Na Kanaka should shut the hell up! Stupid information have been on this Maoliworld for too long. Very little information about the proposed Akaka kaka was ever printed on Maoliworld.
Reconstructivist confused the younger generation with old 'Republic of Hawaii' crap and their history!
Unless you are on the 'roll' shut the hell up! There is nothing of substance on any of the crap that was ever posted by the Maoliworldians. Except for white man's needs and necessities that is surely what has been printed over and over on Maoliworld.
The 'bloodquantum' has been attacked mainly by white man that has no control over native Hawaiian women and their children. The Pacific Asians, and their Mahu counterpart joined into the attack because that's what they do best along side their WASP co-partners.
None of what that has been printed on Maoliworld was useful in stopping Act 195, except more loss to the Na Kanaka. These shitty as co-partners existed in the flesh in 1974, 1977, 1979, 1980 and nothing's changed. John Waihee came on board in 1978 and again for the signing of Act 195!
The brain child of this Act 195 was Jon Van Dyke and his 'Republic of Hawaii' creation. All that I have seen here on Maoliworld is the supporters of the Pacific Asians and their 'necessity' knee jerk reaction. Meaning getting a disability check, a state job, and social gathering to honor our dead is not a political play ground. It is time of prayer and respect to the existing families to further the Kamehameha militant role seems very odd to me.
I honestly do not want to connect to any European Country for my Independence. Why? Because I have no use for IMF. That is the bottom line with Act 195, it's a new game in town, and how ironically it has it's pay check at the other end for the 'white' man and their Pacific Asian brethern's. The so-called Roll is a treasure of a dead man's chest! The promise of a 'death certificate' is the essence of the roll. And that so called roll prcesses 'is' the theft of land and the slaughter of Na Kanka women and their children. Enjoy!!!!