De (occupy) Honolulu helped Keeau people get to safe harbor on April 10th.  It was very trying on all of us because we were working and attending college at the same time.  But, 200 or more got to safety.  This camp was a sick camp with too many ill people, young children through out the entire camp, and too many disabled people.  We lost a person in the aftermath or post Keeau evictions.  I am truly sadden about this whole experience.  Little Brown 3 year old was also killed on Farrington Hwy while dad was preparing his family tent across the street. 

De (occupy) did an exceptional job of camping out in front of Bishop Estates where Micah Kane works.  Late one night in front of Bishop Estates, I took Mrs Kaihana to sit and protest with the De (occupy), so that she could understand the depth of her situation.  She is a Hawaiian Kingdom patriot and did everything she was told to do to further her family under the Hawaiian Kingdom laws.  But, she was never in my view point politically incline to protest until that night that she sat infront of Bishop Estate and protested too.  

The De (occupy)that was conducted infront of the  Bishop Estates was for the Vegas family.  The whole process was exhausting for all involve, but I am sure that it was well spent hours in support of the Vegas family.   The Vegas family as well as the Kaihana family, both have a common enemy that master minded there two evictions--Micah Kane.  Both families were threatened with the use of guns, tear gas, tsars, and rubber bullets.  One can view the interview with Kaimana:



De (occupy) was helpful too with the Kaihana family for it took two weeks of extracting the information from Mrs. Kaihana's scattered belongings.  Having xeroxed the information, Mrs. Kaihana and I took this information to the Governor's, Lieutenant Governor's, Ombudsman and to Maile Shimabukuru office's.  This information was laced with the evil of murder, in my opinion.  I was shocked to read how Micah Kane was able to manipulate the system to his whim.  The entire process was very unlawful in a sense that he used the legal system and armed enforcement to literally commit murder.  

De (occupy) their residence the Kaihana family returned on Friday to their home and was evicted again on Tuesday.  Mr. Kaihana is paralyzed and it is truly sad that while he was resting nicely on a makeshift encampment in his garage at his residence of 35 years--Honolulu Police Department ordered him to leave.  Mr. Kaihana is in a Hospice condition.  

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