US Army Installation Command requests NRC licence for possession of M101 spotting round

The requested license will authorize the possession of residual quantities of depleted uranium system at US Department of Army Installations.
The initial discovery of depleted uranium from the M101 spotting round was at locations within Hawaii and at Fort Hood, TX. Additional installations where the M101 spotting round has been found include: Fort Benning, GA; Fort Campbell, KY; Fort Carson, CO; Fort Hood, TX; Fort Knox, KY; Fort Lewis, WA; Fort Riley, KS; Schofield Barracks, HI; and Pohakuloa Training Area, HI. Installations currently subject to further investigation include: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; Fort Dix, NJ; and Makua Military Reservation, HI. A common characteristic of the sites where the M1 01 spotting round fragments are located is that they are well within the installation boundary and are located in an impact area where access is strictly controlled.
A total of 75,318 M101 spotting rounds were originally produced. Each depleted uranium projectile body weighed about 206 g. Given a composition of 92 percent depleted uranium and 8 percent molybdenum, 190 g of depleted uranium was contained within each round.
This U.S. NRC license application is for authorization to possess and manage depleted uranium present at US Army installations as a result of previous use of depleted uranium. Specific functions to be performed under the license will be limited to radiological surveys as necessary to fully characterize the nature and extent of contamination and, when appropriate, to obtain information necessary to support development of decommissioning plans. Depleted uranium possessed pursuant to this license may also be subjected to disposal by transfer to a properly permitted/licensed disposal facility.

> Download Licence Application Nov. 6, 2008 external link (ADAMS ML090070095)

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    The US Army decommissioned Nuclear Isotopes and trucked its 'dirty' soil from Schofield Army Reserve in Wahiawa. The Army trucked these contaminants to Makua from Oct 2009 to May 2010.  Nine-hundred tons of toxic soil with DU was taken to Makua to build a fire lane from Makai to Mauka, and too the military dyed the surface to look like as if they had black topped the fire lane.  Explanation, first it’s illegal to transport nuclear isotopes without a license (the US army did not have a license).  Secondly to take these nuclear isotopes from the military reserve as a safety reasons for military families on Schofield was unsafe for the civilian population.  Thirdly, it was criminal to change the rules to fit the crime questions the moral and ethical functioning and purpose of the NRC.


    All activities for live fire should be stopped!


    I watched the military transport 900 tons of soil from Schofield for months without concern for the safety of our communities, specifically our children.  Accordingly, the civilian population was made to look as if they were the criminals.  The 900 tons of contaminated soil was used to create a fire lane from Makai to Mauka in Makua Valley on Oahu.  We were poisoned with nuclear isotope 'dust' for seven months with no concern to the devastating affects on our children and their families.  The truckers that trucked contaminated soil from Schofield US Army Reserve had an early morning start to truck their stock from Schofield Army Reserve to Makua. Our children caught their buses to school on the same route from Nanakuli to Makua--a poisonous route each morning.  As the truckers dusted the Farrington Hwy with these Nuclear Isotopes randomly it was dimed safe, weak and low contamination.  In the afternoon our children returned to an even more dusty Farrington Highway. 


    At that time truckers were desperate for hours on the job.  They put in their 250 volunteer hours to meet their requirement for a CDL license processing.  Their truck loads were also taken home to fill their economic needs--truckers took home these contaminated soils as a stock pile to resell in the future to compensate their economic needs.  Truckers were desperate and thought they were being clever to veer off the Farrington Hwy and stop at their nearby home to unload these truck loads of soils.  Mr. Kaleikini a well known trucker in Nanakuli prematurely died.  His death and others too was not attributed to their trucking contaminated soil because the US Army did this procurement without 'safety' measures in place.  Deaths, birth defects, and long term sicknesses are attributed to this transportation of contaminated soils of nuclear isotopes, however, it is not certain or yet proven to be the cause at this time.  Our local civilian population is dimed not worthy of a concern by the State Department of Health.


    When I listened to Tad Davis, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health on his notion of the 'safety of the military families', I am sickened! He breached the safety of our civilian population and knowingly would cause 'sickness' to our children for the health and safety of a transitioning group of people.  Military in Hawaii are a transitioning population. On the other hand, in our Waianae dwellings, we house great-great grandparents to great-great grandchildren for we are on a blood quantum mono community.  What this means that in each valley ( Nanakuli, Maili, Waianae-kai, Waianae, Makua and Makaha) along the route that these truckers took with their loads of contaminated nuclear isotope soils, we have in almost every single family dwelling intergenerational families.  We will eventually destroy our Native Hawaiian families like with what is happening to the Micronesians.  We are an inclusive State for Micronesians that were affected by the nuclear testing after WW II.  They are seeking for medical attention since 1998 when congress agreed to their travel to the US in 1998.  The war was over, but not for the nuclear testing done by the US Military in the Pacific.  Bravo operation was a continuation and extension of WWII.  Today, we have thousands of Micronesians in Hawaii seeking medical attention in hopes for a longer life.  This is especially necessary to ensure their economics and necessity to caring of their offspring’s. 


    At this juncture, the US Military government is asking for a license to possess and use 'depleted uranium ordinance.  The need to stockpile ordinance that are built with nuclear isotopes contradicts the safety of the military personnel and their families.  It is hypocritical of the Pentagon Deputy Assistant Secretary Tad Davis to say that it is the safety of the military families and to stockpile nuclear isotope ordinance near military children.  But, it is the civilian population that will be contaminated by its poison dust in their continuation of live fire training for combat and readiness for war.  As they said, burning at both ends is hardly sensible in numbers of the death toll in Hawaii specifically in Waianae, Oahu.  It’s inconceivable that one can build a world of human nations and quickly undo living habitats. 


    On May 10, 2011, I was able to listen to the US Military request for a license to posse’s ordnance with nuclear isotopes, and true to use these stock pile of arsenal for future live fire combat training at Schofield Army Reserve and at Makua in Waianae, with the  Secondly, to request a license in the aftermath of the US Army already have done the deed of decommissioning soil contaminated with nuclear isotopes.  And too, to truck these contaminated soil through miles of communities belonging to the civilian population in total disregard for their safety.  The conference call was over an hour long. It was shocking to note that the military not only justified their transport of Nuclear Isotopes through the Waianae communities, but in creating a surface fire lane design because the people of Waianae were known arsonist. That was a blatant lie!  I was in Makua in 1978 and I watched the military themselves burn the entire Makua valley as for the reasons of getting rid of the trees to clear the way for live fire combat training. To spend an entire hour long conference with the NRC seemed 'criminal' when the US Armed Forces projected their crime onto the civilian population, specifically Waianae.  We understand MaPele and respect that diety in many culture ceremonies. The US Military Armed Forces in the light of safety shot down the existing truth for their crimes. Control burning is the normal practice for US Military Armed Forces, in any Pacific Islands this is devastating  to the environment and the surrounding living species in the ocean.  But do they care!  This is an act of war on the Pacific Islands and their people.  We are known as a peaceful nation and have documents to prove our stance with other nations.  The US Military Armed Forces are the arsonist. 



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