• UH Manoa Art Auditorium, 2535 McCarthy Mall
    Screening features First Nations actor Gary Farmer

    The public is invited to a free screening of two critically acclaimed films on the important community topic of homelessness.
    • Heater. Directed by Terrance Odette and starring Canadian First Nations actor Gary Farmer (Powwow Highway, Smoke Signals, and Dead Man).
    • Dream What Could be Done. Music video directed by Matt Glickstein and featuring children from the island of Lāna‘i, Class of 2020.


    The films will be introduced by Mr. Colin Kippen, the Hawai‘i State Coordinator on Homelessness.

    A discussion on indigenous homelessness will follow. Both Gary Farmer and Matt Glickstein will be present to respond to questions after the screening.

    This presentation is being hosted by the International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management and Papa Ola Lōkahi. For more information, contact Hardy Spoehr at (808)597-6550 or hspoehr@papaolalokahi.org.

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