Kaohi: To My Beautiful 'Tiare' ...with great love

Te Tiare - Love Song by Hawaiian Heart


Mon Cheri, Mon Cheri...
e a ho'i'wau
Je t'aime, Je t'aime
Te Tiare

'O'oe ka ia e te tiare - You are the one tiare blossom
Kekoho pono a ka pu'uwai - Perfect within my heart

I ke 'ala e milimili - We linger in the sweet fragrance
I ka nani e ho'onanea - We delight in the beauty

'O ka 'i'ini o ke aloha - How I deeply yearn
E lilo 'oe he ipo na'u - For you, my sweetheart



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  • Our women should be appreciated and taken to heart where we should preserve their god-like spirit.
  • To my beautiful niece-daughter, aunty loves you very much and when I see you once more I will give you great kisses and hugs.  Your babies are so beautiful and they will grow up to know their beautiful mother, we will all see to these responsibilies.  So now rest my love and be at peace!
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