Malu Aina Center for non-violent education and action

Protest Navy War Plans!

On Thursday 6/14 from 5-8 PM representatives of the Navy will appear in Hilo to promote their Expansion Plan for war preparation exercises in the eastern Pacific and around Hawaii . While the topic is an EIS addressing potential harm to marine mammals, many see an opportunity to address U.S. war plans in a broader perspective, including the increasing use of Navy Seal Special Operation assassination squads and killer drones. Who are the real winners and losers in US military power projection in the Pacific basin and globally? Don’t be deceived that U.S. military power is about protecting “freedom and democracy/” It’s all about geopolitical control of oil and other resources to insure record corporate profits.

A demonstration with signs will be held from 4-5 pm, prior to the 5pm event start, and the attached flyer will be handed out. Anyone who wishes can participate. Bring a sign if you want but we will have plenty. We will be in front of the downtown Hilo Federal Bldg/Post Office, across Kalakaua Park from the meeting venue at the East Hawaii Cultural Center, 141 Kalakaua St.

A special thanks to friends on Kauai who did a similar protest and prepared the flyer.

Please pass the word on the Hilo protest. I encourage people to go to the Navy event and register your protest of U.S. war Plans. Give input in any way you see fit, i.e. how the money could be put to better use putting solar power on peoples homes, etc. Mahalo.


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  • Hilo protest against war plans are essential to our future, and too our children's lives.  

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