There is a new post on the Malu 'Aina blog: 'Fukushima "is going to Dwarf
Below are comments from Dr. Tom Burnett, PhD sent via a series of emails. Tom
is a retired nuclear physicist now living in Hawaii. He has been following the
Fukushima crisis. I was put in touch with Tom by Curtis Narimatsu and talked
with Tom by phone. The bold type below is my emphasis. Tom [...]
See the entire post here:
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Best regards,
Jim Albertini
President, Malu 'Aina center for nonviolent education and action
Dr. Kaku is a physicist, and that is who we are listneing to as far as Nuclear Plutonium U239 polluting the Pacific Ocean and our people. And now we have a newer person on board that is closer to Hawaii.
On the personal side, I don't have time for military and retired firemens--time has run out for the information to get out to our people. And both are in denial for too long.
When the beach glass balls arrive on the Windward side of Oahu the Plutonium will be on our shores!
We need to not eat from the ocean and that is a fact. One can live with U239 and produce babies--but both will be sick and the DNA will be spoiled.
The Plutonium on our shores will change the native Hawaiian community DNA structure--we must live through this 'spoilage' and continue to reproduce and care for our ohana the best way we know how. The Micronesians are our best 'dispora' example.
I cannot explain too much of what I have already said on maoliworld, it is up to you to go and do your own homework. Time is short and we don't have the resources to stave off the lies, upon lies that is built into our system. One being the department of Health of the State.
It is time to stop listening to fools, and do ones own homework. You have a computer, use it!
And voice your opinion louder than the lies that have been told to you by fools in the end game!
Do your homework speak up and teach your children the 'majestic' reason for wanting to know and be po'o to your family.
Much Aloha,