Thank you Dave, I do get personal with Hawaiian wannabe on Senator Inouye's budget at 4 am when we are praying to our ancestors.  Sam Ohu Gon prays to Senator Inouye at 4 am at our Nuuanu ritual.  I do take offense when he is in France the home Jacques Argo, and pray for the rail all in one shot!  The pictures of Jacques Argo depicts the warrior-ship of those days when a large portion of men were killed and their wives and children were made into sex slaves, labor slaves and so on.  The prayers at Nuuanu are not necessarily said for humanity, but to worship the blood spilled by Kamehameha's Warrior a fashion design of Jacques Arago and it's electromagnetic field science.  These are the practices and values of today's Kumu--frivolous, and contrary to our natural environment where our spirits present it's self when we call.  My Uncle Mel is still alive and he is a direct descendant of that Nuuanu Battle.  It is disrespecting to the Hawaiian families that pray for those that was killed by the likes of Kam I at 4 in the morning.  And Kumu Sam does the contrary!  

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  • We are either praying for our ancestors spirits of 550 that have been moved from Kawaiahao Church or concern with those spirits that are about to be removed because of the rail.  And Sam writes from France in support of the freaken rail.  

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