Dear Friends,
This is the final week to sign the petition to stop the Navy from their worldwide killing of whales and dolphins with their underwater sonar sound program. Unless we all act they will carry out their plan to harm our ocean friends over 31 million times over the next 5 years! We are attending the California Coastal Commission hearing next week and your signature can help there also, as California is considering restricting the Navy’s plans! We are asking you to do 3 things right away:

  1. Sign the petition and share it widely:

  1. Attend the California Coastal Commission hearing if you live nearby.
  2. Listen to (and share with your friends) the radio interview on this topic on “Your Call Radio” on Thursday, March 7th at 10 a.m. in San Francisco. You can also listen on the internet. Other shows on this issue are available on our Facebook page as well.

Details of the Coastal Commission hearing and the radio shows are on the Facebook page:(please "like" our page when you visit)

Our numbers are growing every day and the more people who are on board, the less we can be ignored. About 600,000 of you have signed the petitions and more than 2 million others have read about this issue as a result of your courageous sharing. We can change this trajectory and you are an integral part of that shift. We cannot do this without you! 

Thanking you in advance for your love and care about our natural environment. We are eternally grateful and so are our cetacean friends!

With Love and Respect for our Ocean Environment, 

Lyndia, Lance, Kim and Wes

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