Executive Summary The Decommissioning Plan for Mauna Kea Observatories (Decommissioning Plan) is a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP). It was required as a condition of approval of the CMP by the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) in April 2009. The purpose of this Decommissioning Plan is to describe a process for decommissioning observatories on Mauna Kea, including financial planning. Although some observatories have made preliminary inquiries regarding what might be expected of them if they were to cease operations, neither the State, nor the University, have guidelines for the decommissioning of facilities. This Decommissioning Plan provides the guidelines recommended by the University. The Decommissioning Plan provides a framework that can be used by both existing and future observatories on Mauna Kea to ensure that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) as the land owner and lessor, UH as the lessee, and the observatories as sublessees have clear expectations of the observatory decommissioning process. In presenting the decommissioning process, the plan acknowledges the distinction between the requirements for existing and new and/or renegotiated subleases. The information in this plan is also expected to assist in future planning for new facilities with respect to decommissioning. Section 1 defines what is meant by decommissioning, including the desired future condition and necessary steps to achieve it, and the responsible entities and their roles. Section 2 outlines the decommissioning terms currently contained in the master lease and subleases and addresses potential terms for new and/or renegotiated subleases. Section 3 provides information on financial planning for decommissioning. This will help to ensure that adequate funds are available to pay for the costs of deconstruction and site restoration at the end of the life of the observatory. Section 4 provides guidance for practical implementation of the decommissioning process including site restoration. It presents specific details on the course of action to be implemented by sublessees to comply with terms of subleases related to decommissioning. Section 5 addresses UH’s goal of maintaining a world-class observatory complex and the role of telescope decommissioning in achieving limited growth. By the end of the current lease (2033) UH foresees there may be ten observatories in the Astronomy Precinct, based on UH’s current understanding. Section 6 describes the need for regular review and updating of the Decommissioning Plan based on adaptive management strategies as described in the Mauna Kea CMP. A list cross-referencing Mauna Kea CMP management actions to related sections in the Decommissioning Plan is provided in Table 1 to aid in implementing both plans. This list focuses on those actions directly related to the decision-making process of decommissioning, including options for facility removal and site restoration. Other related management information pertains to the specific activities that will occur during implementation of the decommissioning process (i.e., deconstruction, habitat restoration). These actions are detailed in Appendix A. Decommissioning Plan for Mauna Kea Observatories January 2010
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