Care giving to the elderly are the most vulnerable persons to misuse of drugs. We don't have social medicine and therefore the cost for care is tremendous to the elderly.
Our children are also to at risk for drug abusers to target that populations, it is not okay to purchase drugs from a 'druggie' and without doctors care. Medical is essential and not all persons can afford such care.
Our traditional cultural practices as well as our culture well being is very vulnerable at this time because of the need to continue communicating with each other and we have these drug dealers all around the forum.
We must be just as persistent in our vigilance as far as leaders within our community whether it be cyber space, our home, and our near by places that our children and the elderly are.
I am a busy person trying to pay attention to my own responsibilities as well as our people, our children that are living within our communities. There is a lot of meetings that needs to be attended, and most of us don't have the funds to spare. Resources are at it's bare bottom, and we should be smart at not letting these woes get the best of our beautiful spirit.
Our ancestors were vigilant about taking care of our aina with nothing--just with the tools that nature gave them. I believe with good spirit and consciousness we can give our ancestors the respect they deserve and trust our minds to prevent the genocide of drug abuse to our young people and care givers of the elderly!