
  • We all had an amazing afternoon at Kualoa Park with the first persons that accessed Kahoolawe back in 1976.  I am so very proud of them.  

    Here in Waianae we've had meetings for 12 years with the military and none, so far, has made any difference as far as the health of our children.  

    Our children are sick and our working people have poor performance because of fatigue and our seniors have passed away before their time or are about to when the next swirling wind happens.  I haven't the words to say anything, but to keep trying to convince those that are oblivious as to why things are the way they are.  

    So this meeting with the First Landing was an important meeting.   May this major undertaking of the first landing find the resources, so that our children that are not here yet will have some words of understanding as to what had happened in the 1976 and the decisions that were being made in the moment to stop the bombing.  

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