"OHA is a semi-autonomous government body administered by a nine-member board of trustees, elected by the people of the State of Hawaiʻi through popular suffrage."


And suffer we have, by the foreskin of the WASP and their edicts. 


During the 1979 State of Hawaii Legislature, I sat next to Whitney Anderson and Ben Cayetano and Charlie Toguchi was at the table too.  I was there to oppose the formation of OHA based on the 'bloodquantum' and I spoke directly to Whitney as to why.  The incomes and proceeds from the ceded lands went into General Fund.  I stated that, "the proceeds belonged to our native Hawaiians on DHHL."  It was our money.  Whitney said, "there is no such thing as ceded lands." that was the response I got from him.  By the foreskin of Anderson, we sunked into poverty from poor status in that moment.  DHHL went from owner builder to developer's high end profits as an inclusive project with the general project.  It's a revolving door with a revolving-gun-approach! We were attached to IMF at this point!  What little equity we had landed onto the steps of the bankers doorsteps--a breach of trust.  Kuleana turned into machine gun check point for native Hawaiians at every road entry to DHHL communities.  So horribly sad, that Pacific Asians Marion Higa and Clayton Hee had set up this security check point.


Sadly, what one don't see in this piece are the unions, security hiring, and stolen scholarships.  I see it cause I had to live this when Andy Anderson blatantly stole our scholarships in the early 80.  Yup, I was in that meeting too!  The need base blinded the politics of that era to the point of drilling 'black holes' into our experiences as native Hawaiians on DHHL. 


Hawaiian Civic Club is the old "Republic of Hawaii and we knew it then and a Kupuna Marie told Whitney Anderson to his face that this OHA and their elections is part of the Organic Act.  Ishmal Stagner confirmed that assertion too!  But, one needed to be in that room at that point in time to connect the dots, to the governing entity and it's oppressive hand on the native people.  Or shall we say the Republic of Hawaii oppressive hand on their native Hawaiian people and their available lands. 


To date the 50% plus bloodquantum is still in tact and from what I understand Act 195 the foreskine of the 'WASP' plan to commit fraud, genocide, and control over those of us that reside on DHHL. 





Candidate - Trustee, At-large

Whitney Anderson Candidate OHA-at-large

"As a member of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs’Hawaiian registry since the program’s inception, I find it hard to believe that, as OHA asserts in their 2005 state audit, the organization is in collaboration with state departments on a wide scale. OHA could be involved more closely with the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), which is working diligently to fulfill their mandate of putting Hawaiians onto homestead land. Many Hawaiians, though, do not have the money necessary to build a home upon being awarded a DHHL lease. Being that DHHL has land, and OHA has at least a decent amount of available funds, perhaps OHA could consider providing low-interest loans in an effort to help Hawaiians fulfill the American dream of homeownership. Most are aware of OHA’s generous gift of $1 million to combat homelessness, but even in this venture, a partnership with DHHL towards a goal of permanent affordable housing rental units would make more of a difference. State Auditor Marion Higa affirmed that the current loan system OHA has in place is seriously lacking when it comes to collecting repayment, but that is not the beneficiaries’ kuleana – it’s OHA’s kuleana, and it ought to be corrected. A more direct partnership with the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) and the University of Hawai‘i system would also yield benefits to OHA beneficiaries. DLIR has data as to which industries provide the best employment opportunities in our state, as well as the average pay one can expect in these various positions. UH, a large part of which sits upon Hawaiian ceded lands, has scholarships available to students of Hawaiian ancestry. OHA could even work with the state Legislature to statutorily provide for additional tuition waivers for needy Hawaiian students. I authored such legislation as a state senator in 2000, and it passed both chambers of the legislature, but the governor vetoed the measure. With proper urging, the state Legislature could be approached on this issue again. The partnership between OHA and the Hawai‘I Community Development Authority (HCDA) in an effort for OHA to gain a long-term lease for their headquarters and a cultural center has the potential to be a fruitful engagement. However, such a project is not going to produce money for OHA and its beneficiaries. Perhaps OHA could consider establishing revenue-generating facilities that would be open and available to everyone in Hawai‘i to be built on this prime piece of real estate. Since Rice v. Cayetano, all Hawai‘i residents are eligible to vote in OHA elections, and I’m sure they’d much prefer seeing their money pay for a facility that they both have access to and will benefit our host culture. These are suggestions and concerns about OHA from myself and people who have recently approached me. Whatever your thoughts and concerns are regarding OHA, please, carefully examine all of the candidates running for important OHA trustee positions this year, and vote for those you feel will best represent you. Whitney T. Anderson is a past president of the state Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, the Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club, and a former Hawai‘i state legislator. He is running for an

OHA at-large seat in the 2006 general election.


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    Aloha kakou, he Hawaii au,
    Those who know of me, know I don't play in sand boxes created by the Invader and its allies. I am responding to this accusations not be right but to expose reality. I am not a leader, I just know who I am and what I am more than others for I have lived with Pilipo Souza for 74 years. I want to share this with you, so you would not get it second-hand. 
    mahalo piha, pilipo
    Aloha no keia,
    I am sorry for some people who are so entrenched with fraud they can not recognize truth before them. The blood quantum applications are not a creation of Kanaka Maoli, Republic of Hawaii ,Delegate Kuhio, DHHL or "certified Act 195 native Hawaiians". It is of the very people that the "entrenched" honor as being pono and even campaigned and elected those to public office. The Republic of Hawaii was a bastard child of the Provisional Interim Government who then "shacked-up" with the government of the United States of America, who by the 1850's had perfected the practiced of blood quantum on "Native Americans", so well designed to divide aboriginal people before the "invaders divided the lands". No matter what the military power maybe, they can not steal the lands of aboriginal people when the people of origin are united.  
    Neil Ambercromie had twenty years in the U. S. Congress perfecting what he is implementing in Hawaii this very moment as you read.  While it is all dressed up as a "New Day", it is nothing less than the "Old Fraud". The people around Ambercromie are of the same mold as that of the people around Obama. If any DHHL Homesteader has concerns about losing their rights under "blood quantum", I suggest they address their inquiries to Ambercromie's "blood-brother", Kamaki Kanehele. I have never had anything to do with the likes of a Neil Ambercromie for the good Lord has blessed me with the maka'ala of recognizing all snakes as being poisonous.   
    Simply, factions like DHHL Homesteaders and CNHA businesses are willing to sell the bakery just for a piece of the pie while they fortify their "certification" and destroy the Hawaiian Nation. 
    I am not a threat to blood, genealogies or inherent claims. I am only a threat to fraud, for I can only be a Hawaiian National.
    malama ke kino,
    Hawaiian Natgional (1936) 
  • In 2006, I had an opportunity to confront Whitney Anderson in Nanakuli High School Cafeteria.  The home of Kupuna Marie she paid, $10,000 to hook up her sewer line to the C & C Waste Water line.  DHHL threatened to take away her successorship upon her submittal of her death certificate.  These are the things that goes on when one is living on DHHL. 


    The foreskin of the 'WASP' lay down their pleasure whenever they want to and however long it takes for them to reach climatic ecstacy politically.  Act 195 is such a political date-rape drug!!!!!

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