Don't go away too long we need all of us to get through this huge ugly mess of Act 195.


I don't have all the answers...just got to keep on ... unity was always our on going problem, we just have to continue on with our work. 



take care your family most of all and I will do the same!

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  • At the top of the heap is education!


    Note how DHHL gives scholarships to:

    • Be native Hawaiian (50% or more Hawaiian ancestry) or Homestead Lessee (25% or more Hawaiian ancestry);
    • Be enrolled as a full-time classified student in an accredited two-year, four-year or graduate degree program;
    • Minimum GPA of 2.0 for undergraduates, 3.0 for graduate students.

    If one does not enroll to the 'roll' what gives?


    From the Application for the Act 195 Commissioner



    What does (A) have that (B) doesn't have ?


    Private lands

    access to commerce

    access to banks

    access for gathering rights




    What does (B) have?

    Available lands



    six generations (narratives)

    Mono community


    Be super careful on the Hawaiian Kingdom it has commerce treaties with US and Foreign Countries.  And that commerce belongs to the (A) group.  Not to clog the system. 

    Goup (A) is Hawaii Republic, Territory, and State

    Group (B) is stuck in the Dawes Act! 


    Group (A) is the Organic Act Group (B) is the Amendment to the Organic Act

    Group (A) is 20% of the ceded lands                               Group (B) is 200,000 acres


    When this is fairly processed in ones head..then add the military? This is everyone's career goal and trump card on any procurement. 


    What LHG is doing--create a government?


    Then place the players in (A) or (B)?


    You'll see why all the fusses and fevor for the State Act 195.  Say nothing, do nothing and one automatically become part of the 'roll' by default!


    Group (A) by default will have the largest highly educated assimulated population  Group (B) will not see the light of day as a political power!


    The next step is from State is Fed.  That is the direction Act 195 is going.  And their are lots of carrots dangling for enrollment!


    The population will enroll!!!


    Kam School



    Kau Inoa


     We basically do it all the time!  Always enrolling ourselves onto lists. 


    What concerns me in this Act 195 are the specifics!  Death certificate, A and B group one multi and the other mono. Exploitation of the names on the world web.  The 'ugly' list is endless horrors!


    I recommend at this time that people sit and talk about Act 195 and locate all the information one can find, and start a strategy plan to protect ones family members from being exploited and stop the bank roll of our future generation. 


    As I said before, a family member will walk into this 'roll' with a death certificate, thus, an obituary listing for native Hawaiians.  Morbid?  Yes, so why would anyone want to support this lastest endeavor.  And the carrots,  that's sleezy but its done everyday!


    So out of context? Or, paying attention to the State's Act 195 from the inside?




  • Imua kupuna stop are the leading example to lead our people to free choice to choose and to make the best decisions to do what is right.....for our next coming Royal generation.....mauruuru

  • KEEP ON eatting the FAT OFF of the Table, KAOHI..................

    ALL that FAT and NO MEAT.......

    Keep Up SUCKING UP to Abercrombie and his HEWA Actions.

    As YOU have always done in the past to the Demorcrat Party...........

  • and i am up for the challenge.....this is one Battle i refuse to give in too.........i will honor and die for my country.....our Hawaiian Kingdom Government.......please my ancestors lead me the way to Imua and serve our people to peace and freedom~
  • thats the way Kupuna Kaohi to lead us with the greatest you kupuna kaohi....and you are correct..we need each other.......we just need to think on the same page......and then we can IMUA (move forward)..........da princess of maui nui
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