Now we have a fricken mess! 


My identity goes further back beyond the Organic Act and the Hawaiian Kingdom under the duress of a gun!


Our taro patches are still in existence as well as some iwi, but because of the OHA candidates we are still in battle over the boundaries. 


Dirty people should stay outside of the first people's land boundaries.  The out-of-context donkey asses that they are!


Reply by Amelia Gora yesterday

hi Tane,


Am in agreement with you......


I must say that Kaohi is a toxic strain/bad blood infecting innocent kanaka.


Her missionary/mercenary ties, her being part of the Thurston, Samuel Andrews family who PLOTTED against Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at MAKUA Valley with U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy, and her stepmother descendant of PARMELE JUDD, etc., her complete support of Abercrombie, et. als. certainly says a lot.............and then some......


Opposition remains with the hewa Provisional government, turned Republic, then Territory, and State with documented oppositions from our families and friends over time........


Kaohi and all those on Hawaiian Home lands are perpetuating the evils of a criminal PIRATE nation that is now documented as Premeditating the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation with Treaties, etc............and because the bloodlines exist can be considered trespassers on Kamehameha III's/Kauikeouli's properties.


All kanaka maoli sitting on the Crown Lands who pay mortgages and who maintain that they are under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation should get in contact with the true owners, descendants of Kamehameha, heirs of Kamehameha III, et. als. and authorizations to help malama family properties may be for more information.


The Kingdom of Hawaii is here, as well as the true descendants, land owners, including King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's families.


Love it:


"The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of  justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom.  Fuck 'em!"


There's opportunities to make corrections and many who come from those who assisted the wrongdoers are now helping us...............guess Kaohi doesn't get it and am thinking that working with damaged DNA/ special ed folks is  not compatible for all in the field.......of course there are exceptions but.....



You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • thank you kupuna kaohi for your leadership and guidance.......for i only expose the hewa.....da kupuna's will seek
      Aloha kakou, he Hawaii au,
      Those who know of me, know I don't play in sand boxes created by the Invader and its allies. I am responding to this accusations not be right but to expose reality. I am not a leader, I just know who I am and what I am more than others for I have lived with Pilipo Souza for 74 years. I want to share this with you, so you would not get it second-hand. 
      mahalo piha, pilipo
      Aloha no keia,
      I am sorry for some people who are so entrenched with fraud they can not recognize truth before them. The blood quantum applications are not a creation of Kanaka Maoli, Republic of Hawaii ,Delegate Kuhio, DHHL or "certified Act 195 native Hawaiians". It is of the very people that the "entrenched" honor as being pono and even campaigned and elected those to public office. The Republic of Hawaii was a bastard child of the Provisional Interim Government who then "shacked-up" with the government of the United States of America, who by the 1850's had perfected the practiced of blood quantum on "Native Americans", so well designed to divide aboriginal people before the "invaders divided the lands". No matter what the military power maybe, they can not steal the lands of aboriginal people when the people of origin are united.  
      Neil Ambercromie had twenty years in the U. S. Congress perfecting what he is implementing in Hawaii this very moment as you read.  While it is all dressed up as a "New Day", it is nothing less than the "Old Fraud". The people around Ambercromie are of the same mold as that of the people around Obama. If any DHHL Homesteader has concerns about losing their rights under "blood quantum", I suggest they address their inquiries to Ambercromie's "blood-brother", Kamaki Kanehele. I have never had anything to do with the likes of a Neil Ambercromie for the good Lord has blessed me with the maka'ala of recognizing all snakes as being poisonous.   
      Simply, factions like DHHL Homesteaders and CNHA businesses are willing to sell the bakery just for a piece of the pie while they fortify their "certification" and destroy the Hawaiian Nation. 
      I am not a threat to blood, genealogies or inherent claims. I am only a threat to fraud, for I can only be a Hawaiian National.
      malama ke kino,
      Hawaiian Natgional (1936) .
  • KAOHI and her LAID EGGS

    OLD LuLu BELL KAOHI has laid so many EGGS lately!

    All to give her support to Abercrombie and his ACT 195!


  • 2654291183?profile=original




    Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009  Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being


    Honolulu Police Department
    Many Interested Others




    My name is Amelia Gora.  Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:


    Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.


    Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.


    The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person. 


    She is all the above stated and more.


    She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well. 


     "Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.


    She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well.  Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.


    Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence.  All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.


    Their multiples of comments appear on etc.


    Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.


    Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on 


    Further reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.



    On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:


    "To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!

    No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance.  Tane is far from both of your sick minds."



     Note :


    Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.

     The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.



    Amelia Gora


    copy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Department

                             interested others



    • FROM:
      Monday, July 25, 2011 8:04 AM

      Added information for this report per Pomai Kinney: da Princess of Maui Nui also known as Valerie/Valaria Aquino did also threaten his life.

      It was noted after posting to Pomai Kinney in the Chatroom of today at 7:30 a.m. approximately.


      Amelia Gora
      ----- Forwarded Message -----
      From: amelia gora <>
      To: "" <>
      Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
      Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being


      Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009  Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
      Honolulu Police Department
      Many Interested Others
      My name is Amelia Gora.  Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:
      Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.

      Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.
      The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person. 
      She is all the above stated and more.
      She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well. 
       "Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.
      She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well.  Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.
      Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence.  All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.
      Their multiples of comments appear on etc.
      Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.
      Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on 
      Further reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.
      On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:
      "To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!
      No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance.  Tane is far from both of your sick minds."
       Note :
      Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.

       The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.
      Amelia Gora
      copy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Department
      interested others
  • mahalo Kupuna Kaohi.......i was taught highly by my living kupuna's on my Sacred Kingdom Island of Maui Nui.....i still Honor and follow the cultural traditional ways of my ancesters.......i am 49 yrs. old and i have at least 30 more years to deal and fight the rights of our Royal Kingdom Heirs of our Sacred Hawaiian main Mission is to see our Royal Hawaiian Kingdom Capitol be in the Rulership of our next future generation hands and may the power to keep freedom and peace on our sacred kingdom lands......mauruuru for his leadership and good health to continue to Battle to seek RESOLUTION Immediately
    • deal with the 40+ leaders calling themselves the Hawaiian Kingdom etc................and have


      most, like you, can't come up with your documented especially with the ones calling themselves Kings and Queens........


      if you haven't read the above........posting once more:


      hoi no kau mea oi............i am a descendant of  one of the strongest kahuna from, be very careful, etc.


      a person so proud of being from the kahuna family wearing red and black was so proud and bold, approached me and stated who she was............then i asked her if she knew my ancestor........and told her his name...........she was shocked, put her hands to her side, head down and said "he was the strongest kahuna from Molokai".........told her "i know".............then she walked backwards away and quickly rushed towards her group.


      so, again YOU be VERY CAREFUL.............and letting you know that our ancestors protect us as well.


  • Mahlo for your input da princess,


    Just take care of our young people and try your best to keep them safe and in the light of our Na Kupuna and their ancestral lands.  The others that claim out side of this context will taste their own waste!


    When Act 195 was past, it was to the detriment to the first people of Hawaii!  The Air Flow and the ocean currents in the Pacific brings toxicity to all Pacific Islanders and does enourmous damage to all Pacific Islanders. There is no exceptiong to the rule.  Humanity touches everyone in the Pacific, we must be keen to our last breath!

    • fyi - oh missionary/mercenary one,


      hoi no kau mea oi............i am a descendant of  one of the strongest kahuna from, be very careful, etc.


      a person so proud of being from the kahuna family wearing red and black was so proud and bold, approached me and stated who she was............then i asked her if she knew my ancestor........and told her his name...........she was shocked, put her hands to her side, head down and said "he was the strongest kahuna from Molokai".........told her "i know".............then she walked backwards away and quickly rushed towards her group.


      so, again YOU be VERY CAREFUL.............and letting you know that our ancestors protect us as well.


  • amelia if you not going stop your bashing and step on the side.....the power of Ke Akua will remove such ones....WATCH!....thank you kupuna kaohi for leading the path for us to move forward and away from bad talk.....we clean to change our bad takes self discipline to rise above the rest........believe me your living kupuna's will cleanse you the best resolution is to always REMEMBER, REMOVE, REPLACE and finally you all will
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