Kaohi: Stop the Bombing! Jim Albertini

Pohakuloa Military Expansion Opposed Unanimously!

Stop the Bombing!

Military Clean Up NOT Build Up!

Below is a brief report on the Hilo hearing held last night, Jan. 11 on plans for military expansion at Pohakuloa. The plans call for new live-fire ranges and training, and construction activities, at Pohakuloa as well as high altitude helicopter flights and landings on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa in training for Afghanistan/Pakistan high altitude mountainous warfare.

The first hour and a half was taken up with open house science fair displays by military people who knew very little about the history of militarism in Hawaii and couldn’t answer many questions asked. But the public testimony portion on Pohakuloa was powerful.
It started with Kumu Paul Neves and his Ohana/halau doing chants and then Paul led a Pule.  Lots of young Hawaiians testified both in their native tongue and English.  They spoke elequently against the military desecration of the sacred mountains and aina.  Other Hawaiians and people of all ages,  testified as well.  The testimony went for 2 hours.  Not one person spoke in support of the military expansion plans. The PTA new commander and the Army Garrison commander sat stoned face throughout the 2 hours of public testimony

In my testimony, I noted that no further military activity at the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) should go forward.  On July 2, 2008 the hawaii County Council passed a resolution by a vote of 8-1 calling for a complete halt to all live-fire at PTA and any ativities that create dust until their is a comprehensive independent assessment of the depleted uranium (DU) present at PTA and a clean up of the DU.  The council’s resolution also called for 7 additional actions, none of which have been implemented.

I emphasized that stopping all live-fire, construction, and other activities that create dust is key.  Du particles are particularly hazardous when inhaled.  I also emphasized that the federal government should pay for the comprehensive independent assessment, testing and monitoring for radiation contamination and that federal funds should be sought through Hawaii’s congressional delegation –senators Inouye and Akaka, and representatives Hirono and Hanabusa.  There has been plenty of money over the years for military build up but very little funding for military clean up.  It’s time to change those priorities.

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  • Amelia,


    I must try again, I am not for US or military clean-up!  For reasons, I was not able to argue with the AEC over that 'construction debrie' as stated by the Pentagon on Jan 13, 2010 as oppose to soil containing Nuclear Isotopes.  I'm sorry.
    To date the military transfer soil from all military bases to Waianae na ahupua'a, as safe, weak, and low chemical contaminants.
    The NRC rules says's that they can place these contaminants on the surface (fire lanes, concrete fillers for roads, basketball courts etc...).  It is not okay to dig a hole and place these contaminates into a duged out hole in the ground.  Again, it has to be placed on the surface.  Problem, aside from playgrounds suface  from mountain to sea the water ways flow out and the ocean currents carries contaminants across the ocean Molo Kai in four different directions. 
    And, because they the AEC judges said that--it's okay to transfer contaminates to clear and clean the military bases for reasons of health risk to military dependants--we lost.  I lost the contention to argue for Hawai'i's families. 
    Again, I lost the argument when the NRC recently returned to Oahu and said, it was "an Army call" to transfer contaminates from their military base to our Waianae Communities, that let off the NRC and their rules.  
    Given the opportunity to clean their dog butt's meant continuation of contamination--bottom line!  All else was a given...

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