Keith Vieira, VP of Star hotel group impacted carelessly children that were defined by the McKinney-Vento Act, by denying them their valued understanding of 'how poverty impacts their lives.'
All schools on the Waianae Coast denied homeless children to access nutrition, education and well-being--and I am taking this from experience. I see this incidents occur each day on the Waianae Coast in homeless areas and it's connection to the Department of Education.
Most children on the Waianae Coast are defined or meet the criteria of the McKinney Vento Act. It's a sad situation when people from outside come into our community and drain funds for their own needs and our children go hungry and die because of neglect from these state entities.
When a tourist corporation impact these children while they are sitting in their seats in a classroom setting--I am more than dismayed. Keith Vieira will never understand the cost of lives and poverty he had caused on the Waianae Coast with his firing of Principal Glenn Kila and Clarence Delude. As a person that's experience the trenches of poverty on the Waianae coast, I see the inhuman treatment of our children each day.
Ho’okako’o Corporation “terminated” Kamaile Academy’s CEEO (Glen Kila) and Principal (Clarence DeLude) on Nov. 3, 2010.
Then on Nov. 16th HC stated they had signed a document of resignation that keeps them and the HC board silent on the matter. In most states it is fraud to force a “fired” employee to “resign” after the fact.
In most states, that would be a felony. Now their attorney says that Mr. Kila and Mr. DeLude have the constitutional right to tell the truth! WOW!

Who told the staff on Nov. 4th (Thursday) and the parents at 7AM on the 5th (Friday) that Mr. Kila and Mr. DeLude “were terminated”? Keith Vieira, VP of Star hotel group. Link to video clip.
Why did the HC organization take so long to admit that our leaders had signed a document of resignationwhich “legally keeps them and us [HC] from talking about this"? But who keeps telling us that they talk to Mr. Kila every day and this is what he tells everybody to do? Kamo. Bailey. Link to video clips later today.
Who told us that Mr. Kila and Mr. DeLude would help the Transition Team until Dec. 15? Mr. Vieira.
What did they sign that silenced them? Until Mr. Kila and Mr. DeLude get back the U.S. Constitutional right of freedom of speech, we believe that we are being lied to! Be Akamai. Do not cooperate with someone that tells us they love our children and now they make them cry. Remember they can at the time of Hawaii state tests that would have proven just how good the Keiki are! Link to video clip.
Demand our right to elect our own Local school board. Hawai’i state law gives us the right to vote almost immediately after the LAP board and our parents (Nov. 16) unanimously called for the Local School Board’s resignation. Why is HC working the community so hard with the “your-principals-resigned” story? The only way we will hear the truth is fire HC as our LSB. Be Akamai. How? Look what is already being done. Join.
Who wants a "New Waianae Coast"? Who wants a "Second Waikiki"? Who sees billions of dollars of real estate going to waste on our beaches and up our sacred valleys? Be Akamai. Who else would put together an Aama Crab Club and then come train us to get ready for their future? Be Akamai. Ku Kanaka, Stand Tall as a Human Being.