Are Native Hawaiians getting a fair shake under the US occupation? Statistics show that 40% of all prisoners in Hawai`i are Native Hawaiians.

A blind-folded lady is the symbol of justice in the US, but a study by a non-profit group shows that justice is not blind towards Native Hawaiians.

A study by the justice policy institute in Washington DC suggests that Native Hawaiians are more likely to be sent to prison and for longer periods of time than other ethnic communities.

The study also found that Native Hawaiians don't use drugs more than other races, but go to prison more for drug offenses.

According to the report, half of people serving prison terms in Hawai`i are housed in mainland facilities. Statistics show broken families, isolated by incarceration, often perpetuate the cycle. In Hawai`i, 50 percent of youth in juvenile facilities are Native Hawaiian.

The number of Native Hawaiians in the women's correctional facility jumps to as high as 85%.

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    Reply by Amelia Gora yesterday

    hi Tane,


    Am in agreement with you......


    I must say that Kaohi is a toxic strain/bad blood infecting innocent kanaka.


    Her missionary/mercenary ties, her being part of the Thurston, Samuel Andrews family who PLOTTED against Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at MAKUA Valley with U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy, and her stepmother descendant of PARMELE JUDD, etc., her complete support of Abercrombie, et. als. certainly says a lot.............and then some......


    Opposition remains with the hewa Provisional government, turned Republic, then Territory, and State with documented oppositions from our families and friends over time........


    Kaohi and all those on Hawaiian Home lands are perpetuating the evils of a criminal PIRATE nation that is now documented as Premeditating the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation with Treaties, etc............and because the bloodlines exist can be considered trespassers on Kamehameha III's/Kauikeouli's properties.


    All kanaka maoli sitting on the Crown Lands who pay mortgages and who maintain that they are under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation should get in contact with the true owners, descendants of Kamehameha, heirs of Kamehameha III, et. als. and authorizations to help malama family properties may be for more information.


    The Kingdom of Hawaii is here, as well as the true descendants, land owners, including King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's families.


    Love it:


    "The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of  justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom.  Fuck 'em!"


    There's opportunities to make corrections and many who come from those who assisted the wrongdoers are now helping us...............guess Kaohi doesn't get it and am thinking that working with damaged DNA/ special ed folks is  not compatible for all in the field.......of course there are exceptions but.....




  • wow...kupuna kaohi......this is the kine of information that needs to be mentioned daily to our next generation.......wake up kanaka's....we not in any DEPRESSION.....this is the time to face the fear the den of demons......Ke Akua is stronger.....ask it, believe it and soon we will recieve it in our generation.........plan the future to train our next generation to be BOLD and KUKANAKA (stand tall) for your Natve Hawaiian HUMAN be SCARED.....face them head on and REMEMBER TO REMOVE THEN TO REPLACE SO WE CAN REJOICE......ASK IT.....BELIEVE IT AND SOON WE WILL RECIEVE IT.....mauruuru Ke Akua......da princess of Maui Nui
  • I took this off the 'Free Hawaii' cause I don't have time!!!


    What are the proponents doing arguing over US occupation and slamming the experiences of Native Hawaiians in prison?


    Have you ever really dug deep into the family's that paid dearly with their penis? Their vaginas? From my first hand experience to have classmates at the age of 10 be sent to Koolau!


    I am not talking citation Anglo's spending a few days in jail, or dead beat dad's doing drugs.  I am talking about real na kanaka going into prison for being na kanaka. 


    The data given of 40% is an Anglo risk assessment which is good, but its also dry with no real identity, sense of place, and experience.


    We talk 'study' from USA, specifically Washington DC., about Native Hawaiians as if they are dogs and cats being sent to the dog pound!  And free hawaii in the other!

    True we did not do drugs as a native Hawaiian community during the late 60's and early 70's.  I was there to observe this phenomenon on the island of Kauai.  However, you have no real experience or specific location to what you are asserting.  Out of 600 plus native Hawaiian homes in Waianae Hawaiian Homestead--8 was evicted for having drugs in their home.  So, is this a good measure or a true population sampling?


    A Washington DC panel before Congress also stated in their studies that prisoners should not return to family because family and familiarity has a high rate of return.  


    Like a lot of  'Free Hawaii' talks, it's called dumming down the public!


    Data and population studies in this sense prison does not tell the real story as to why this is happening.  But, 'ey

    what do I know, I am occupied


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