We are so blessed to have a person like Sharlene to stand up to the State, City and Feds today! It got ugly, but everyone cooled down after Mrs. Charles Naone showed up and gave Sharlene permission to stay.
My students saw the news and they shared a little bit about their mana'o. In there maturity, they feel that no one owns the ocean, and permitting should not be allowed on Waianae shores. And all commercials should be outside the three mile limit.
Waianae shores should be kept for locals, and not be turned into a second waikiki with sun tan lotion that ruins the limu bed.
Our diet should not include sun tan lotion.
We are a mono community in Waianae and still gather at the shores for our table food to feed our families.
Just had dinner with Sharlene, so if anyone wants to meet her just drive out to Keeau and talk story with her.
again ask it, believe it and soon you and our ohana nation will be lead correctly to Freedom from the bondage of Usa,
lifestyle plays a big role being homeless....for i was also homeless (10 yrs.) and noticed the difference of hawaiian homeless
versus the mainland trailer trash.
as a hawaiian kanaka maoli...we malama the sacred land.....we rake our area, we make sure NO drugs, NO alchohol beer caps, NO cigarettes butts, NO kids running around (unsupervised) and most of all....we relocate to heal the land from over occupy.
as a mainland trailer trash....is like i said trash......no raking/cleaning, beer caps, cigarette butts, drug needles on the ground, kids running around with no parents and or respect to another, and the ground in never HEALED from over occupancy.
and by then the cops is involved.....now as in the case of Keeau's homeless at Keeau's Beach Park.....hawaiians may have a challenge.... if the lands is looking like trailer trash with heavy material things surrounding the area....and safety would be a concern, especially when kids and women is involved.....and sharlene need major support....to Lead correctly...i send my strenght to all of you to IMUA and to KUKANAKA.......amene~~~
Most people don't know the details as to how the Keeau people weathered through the process of bulldozers and over use of enforcement. In all my 30 years of working with houseless, never have I encountered people that actually thought for themselves as humans normally do. We have so much kill zones out here in Waianae that it is difficult to stay on track with normalcy.
Catholics, Christians, Hawaiian Civic Clubs, politicians (the worst), heroins, heroes, news media, city officials, some state, and some feds, drunken-drug (M13) all kine lolo head-assholes kill zones. Until this 'kill zone' mentality is understood we should she see more of this 'density' behavior continue.
I'm too dam old to continue with these frontal engagements. I don't know where the future lies, what I do know if we give up our shoreline for commercialism and permitting from DPP and HCDA we will not be Pacific Islanders anymore. The Hawaiian Islands will be made up of millionaires and slaves. My fathers land taxes jumped from $300 to $6,000 in his life time. None of us can afford to live here should these kill zones continue their fertile grounding for the rich sachems.
I fought with Reagan's commissioners face to face with Mililani, Bob Fukuda, and Rod Burgess sitting in the same room and not listening. The fought for their private developers money making sachems for Hawaiian Homestead and the general public. The banks own all Homestead's ever since. If you look closely the original homestead person will not be there in the end and the children will up to sell. We have a renewal Hawaiian Homestead instead of the generational great-grandparents, grandparents, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Reagan's appointed commissioner Shipley knew exactly what he was doing. No one was there to fight for our inter-generational families on Hawaiian Homestead.
All what had transpired at Keeau's will be transferred to Hawaiian Homestead. I don't see anyone trying to stop this Affair from happening in the homestead. Unless, Todd Apo and Peter Apo are stopped in their behind the scene maneuvering of their underhanded works, I don't see the slaves of tomorrow and the rich mentality being stopped. We need stronger mentality for a better future. From my on the ground look-see, I don't see how we can stop this phenomenon from happening.
please tell sharlene...that she is a wonderful wahine warrior....good example for our next future generation to Kukanaka and to Imua for the rights of our Sacredness.....my many blessings to you and all your ohana's at Keeau Beach Park....amene