Sept.7th Oahu Forum on Environmental and Economic Impacts of Militarization



12.08.30 Watada Pre Event flyer rev..pdf

Sept. 7th Oahu Forum on Environmental and Economic Impacts of Militarization

Church of the Crossroads 1212 University Ave. 6-8PM

Speakers: Jim Albertini, Sparky Rodrigues, Henry Curtis, and Steve Dinion.

Please pass the word to friends on Oahu.  Mahalo.  Jim

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  • I was a bit cranky at this meeting of the retired old white male panel!  But, being the fact that the audience was pretty old and it was in a church setting, I sat with my crankiness in hopes that no one really noticed my irritation.  

    I missed Jim's talk, but he did say in the aftermath that he did not talk about the NRC!

    As for the rest, I could hardly stand the yada yada.  I don't know maybe my ego needs a temperature check.  

    The stuff was the Union talk guy, I asked him if he could confirm whether their is Union representative on military bases?  He couldn't, I was intrigued with the machine'st union.

  • I hope to see you all there!

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