Kaohi's thoughts: We the Pacific Islanders cannot allow other countries to use the Pacific Ocean and Aina as a place to house their nuclear waste. Our children cannot be the sponge bobs of the 21st century. The safe's thing to do is to sponge the nuclear waste in humans rather than store it in Hoppers at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. These nano particles clings to human flesh and people think it can be destroyed. These nano particles continues to live for 4.5 million years.
The fauna are sponges for mercury our children have the same rights as these earthly creatures which is none!
"Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation AppropriationThe request for this appropriation is $2.5 billion, a decrease of 5.1 percent from the FY 2011 President’s Request. The decrease reflects NNSA’s budget strategy was to assure that programs supporting the President’s commitment to lead an international effort to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world in four years are fully funded in the Request: The GTRI efforts related to radiological material, as well as, INMPC efforts related to border crossings and megaports security have been slowed to accommodate accelerated nuclear material lockdown efforts. The request for Fissile Materials Disposition activities decreases as there is no continued funding for the Russian Plutonium Disposition activities. The construction requests for the Waste Solidification Building and the MOX facility decrease by about $130 million from FY 2011 to FY 2012 consistent with project baselines. Prior Year unobligated balances of $30 million associated with the completed Elimination of Weapons Grade Plutonium Production Program are proposed for cancellation to offset requirements elsewhere within DOE. The FY 2012 President’s Request reflects an increase of 19.6 percent from the FY 2010 appropriation."
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Support The NNSA has established a program to target research opportunities for HBCU institutions to increase their participation in national security-related research and to train and recruit qualified HBCU graduates for employment within the nuclear security enterprise. In FY 2012, the Office of the Administrator requests $4,677,051 for HBCU activities primarily in support of efforts underway in the Massie Chairs of Excellence Program. Additionally, the Weapons Activities appropriation plans to provide up to $6,000,000; the Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation appropriation plans to provide up to $3,000,000; and Page 22Office of the Administrator/ Program Direction FY 2012 Congressional Budgetthe Naval Reactors program plans to fund up to $1,000,000 of HBCU efforts in multiple research areas directly supporting program activities
International ProgramRequests approximately $5,878,477 in FY 2012 for operational costs associated with the international offices in Moscow, Vienna, Tokyo, Kiev, Tbilisi, Astana, Islamabad, and Beijing; all critical to executing the Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation programs. The international office funding supports full operation of the mandatory entitlements for personnel, State Department Capital Security Cost Sharing (CSCS) charges, and the State Department’s International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) charges.
Science, Technology, and Engineering (ST&E)The Science, Technology and Engineering (Science Campaign, Engineering Campaign, Inertial Confinement Fusion and High Yield Campaign, Advanced Simulation and Computing Campaign) request ensures that we keep the commitment made by President Obama, in his April 27, 2009 address to the National Academy of Sciences, that “Science is more essential for our prosperity, our security, our health, our environment, and our quality of life than it has ever been before…”. It is the reality of today’s security environment that the United States requires an agile and responsive national security science, technology, and engineering funded enterprise to remain protected from the threats of today and the future. Sustaining the national security ST&E capabilities within the NNSA is important for more than the need to assess and monitor the nuclear weapons stockpile. While national ST&E investments are instrumental in transitioning to a 21st century nuclear deterrent strategy, they are also key to a range of national security issues, tools, and solutions. NNSA and its laboratories have the unique capability to take on complex projects requiring both breadth and depth of science as well as an ability to respond to rapidly changing priorities. The FY 2012-FY 2016 ST&E budget proposal meets Administration and Secretarial priorities for the enterprise with the following emphases:
• Sustaining the national security ST&E supported capabilities;
• Strengthening nuclear weapons assessment and life extension through scheduled development of the predictive capability framework; • Achieving scientific milestones essential to assess and certify the stockpile without underground testing; and
• Supporting key national security issues by maintaining tools and capabilities to find solutions to current and emerging national scientific problems.