Lt. Col. Roger Hilberg is a shameless shill for the Pentagon, who hides his identy posing as an ordinary civilian. His point here is a red herring. Sure uranium is a naturally occurring element. So is arsenic and asbestos. Both are deadly and so is uranium. The thing is, the uranium that heats the earth is buried safely hundreds of miles below us. The uranium in DU warheads, however, is blasted into a fine ceramic grit of uranium oxide, which can be inhaled and then stay trapped in the small openings of the lung, where they blast damaging alpha particles at the surrounding tissue until one of the cells goes cancerous. This is why miners who dig uranium ore die in high numbers. And it’s why uranium is so carefully kept stored away from humans after it is taken out of reactors when they are refueled.

It is true uranium is not going to be stored in Yucca Mountain, but that’s not because it’s not dangerous. In fact, it’s so dangerous it’s stored elsewhere, like at Hanford, or reprocessed to make new fuel rods. But a hell of a lot of it is simply sold cheaply to the Pentagon, which then turns it into weapons to be fired off in third world countries, or here in the US in places like the central plain of Hawaii’s Big Island, or at other military target ranges.

Helbig doesn’t address the issue of the danger of uranium oxide, because it is simply terribly toxic and radioactive and carcenogenic, and he knows it. Instead he sets up straw men and then claims to have “exposed” an article.

The important thing to know is that Helbig is part of a Pentagon disinformation campaign to prevent people from challenging the use of depleted uranium as a weapon. His deceitful failure to identify himself as an Air Force Lt. Col. should be enough evidence for readers, but I’ve had more experience with this lying jerk. He went after one of my sources, a Dr. Doug Rokke, who worked on DU issues at the Pentagon and was honored for his work. Helbig lyingly tried to claim Rokke was not a military officer, not a PhD, and never worked on DU during and after the Persian Gulf War. Dr. Rokke proved all those things to me with documents.

Helbig is simply a Pentagon disinformation shill and a paid liar.

Dave Lindorff

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Email me when people reply –


  • amelia,


    Depleted Cranium is an excellent site to read:  Its good to read smart talk even though I don't agree to their notions of science that goes crazy--but the bottom line is grant research monies. 


    One wants to understand the human nature and it's need to destroy man--inorder to preserve man (haloa). 


    Hawaii is unique and different from the continent, however, we tend to forget the big ocean and lots of places to hide their 'toys' and things.  Hoppers are in, we too need to design our own hoppers, am I throwing in the towel as far as excepting Nuclear Isotopes floating in our environment.  No, I am saying that at this juncture, I'm not able to get pass the barriers that keeps poping up for communications. 



    • hi Kaohi,


      we must be doing something right!


      this is the latest:


      Apparently you don't know or understand what a Royal person is and just as well..........You obviously are not a genuine researcher but a hellbent, criminal deviant now documented........This is my last e-mail to you, copy to the Honolulu Police Department in the Genocide Activities file along with the U.S. Presidents, people who have assisted in dethroning our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, etc.

      Also, slander is now documented for the record..........and stalking on the internet. 

      Your so called proof is full of it.  I have no more time for you for it is a waste.  Talk to yourself or others like yourself, an undereducated fool, a Pentagon bully, Air Force Ret. Lt. Col. Roger Helbig..........and to think the Air Force is the best of all the militaries.....hehehe.........

      .paid under the table now are you....sad, you don't have many friends, yet well known by many..


      cc:  Honolulu Police Department - Genocide Activities File entry from Amelia Gora - off the internet person named Ret. Lt. Col. Roger Helbig (aka Roger Helbent and Roger Rabbit)  Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2011 - 0002 the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs


      1. Roger Helbig and depleted uranium - The Ecologist

        Feb 1, 2007 ... Damage limitation: how one man is trying to give depleted uranium a good name. - Cached - Similar
      2. Sharing Roger Helbig - or is it Roger HELBENT or Roger Rabbit ...

        Jan 5, 2011 ... Another Albertini Dupe Inbox X Reply | Roger Helbig to me show details Jan 3 (2 days ago) from Roger Helbig <… 

         Get more results from the past 24 hours

      3. The Pentagon bullies: Meet Roger Helbig « Aotearoa: a wider ...

        Jul 18, 2008 ... This piece of trash goes by the name of Roger Helbig. Roger Helbig is a retired Airforce Lt Col. Roger Helbig has made it is lives work to ... - Cached - Similar
      4. Roger Helbig | Facebook

        Friends: Sftt Hack, Dale Swirsding, Richard M. Westfall, Diane Marie Weller, David Day
        Roger Helbig is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Roger Helbig and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the ... - Cached - Similar
      5. Roger Helbig - LinkedIn

        San Francisco Bay Area - Purchasing Agent at City of Richmond
        View Roger Helbig's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Roger Helbig discover ... - Cached
      6. The War of Uranium, the Ignored War « EUROPE TURKMEN FRIENDSHIPS

        Jan 3, 2009 ... This piece of trash goes by the name of Roger Helbig. ... Roger Helbig to demonstrate to the world how safe DU is by implanting a DU pellet ... - Cached - Similar
      7. Uranium Contaminaton Blog: LT. COL. ROGER HELBIG TRIED TO BLOCK ...

        Jul 28, 2008 ... Roger Helbig had tried to block Wild Clearing's First Take Film Festival April screening in Augusta, GA of "Contaminated Forever: The Deadly ... - Cached - Similar

        ... Roger's Guestbook: Take a look, see what others are saying and leave your comments. I am constantly trying to ... Roger Helbig. ... - Cached
      9. Washblog || Depleted Uranium debunkers - the trees and the forest

        Oct 20, 2007 ... Roger Helbig, USAF (ret). and is not and has not been an on-going member of our Washington Veteran's Google group. Rather, Helbig seems to ... - Cached - Similar
      10. Voices - They've sent Helbig after me

        Feb 16, 2007 ... Roger Helbig, a man with an unhealthy obsession: he believes that depleted uranium (DU) waste from the nuclear fuel cycle, which is used in ... - Cached - Similar

      Searches related to roger helbig
       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  

      On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:39 PM, Roger Helbig <> wrote:

      You and they are idiots – Dr Rokke – do you know what Vocational Education – it is high school for those who do not intend to go to college – you probably could have benefited from that since I doubt that you even took high school chemistry – your buddies Moret and Rokke are both professional liars – I can prove it – that’s something that you can not prove about me – because I am an inveterate truth teller – glad to know that you are still an idiot and not just temporarily touched by insanity.


      Cowards do things behind people’s backs – I doubt that your “Royal” ancestors are proud of the coward that you are – you –


      What exactly is a genocide activist – first, what exactly is the genocide that I am allegedly advocating with my activism – I am for truth, nothing more and nothing less – that is something that you probably never held in high regard – is lying supposed to be a “Royal” trait – by the way, what exactly did you do as a Federal and State of Hawaii civil servant?  Who did you work for and more importantly, what did you accomplish besides shuffling papers?




      Here is proof that Moret is a liar – I wonder what I will find on you if I dig far enough – I suspect a total fraud!


      Roger Helbig

      to me



      Roger Helbig <>



      Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 11:18 PM


      Another Albertini Dupe




      hide details Jan 3 (2 days ago)  

      I see where I am supposed to bow and curtsey or something, but you act like you are an ignorant dupe of Jim Albertini whose mission in life is to spread ignorance throughout Hawaii.  So, I am curious about your scientific qualifications and what you actually think you know about depleted uranium in Hawaii.







      Roger Helbig

      to me

      show details Jan 4 (2 days ago)  

      This is pure unadulterated BS and you know it – but then you are not a particularly nice person are you – do you have a Hawaiian Nazi flag too?  When you refer to the Governor of Hawaii as a Jew – you sound like you belong in the Third Reich, not the Kingdom of Hawaii


      “Depleted Uranium is the cause of many people dying from cancers, DNA mutations, diabetes, etc. See links



      None of your links is worth clicking on them.


      From: Roger Helbig []
      Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 1:18 AM
      To: ''
      Subject: Another Albertini Dupe


      I see where I am supposed to bow and curtsey or something, but you act like you are an ignorant dupe of Jim Albertini whose mission in life is to spread ignorance throughout Hawaii.  So, I am curious about your scientific qualifications and what you actually think you know about depleted uranium in Hawaii.








      Roger Helbig

      to me

      show details Jan 4 (2 days ago)

      Please, pass this to Luwella Leonardi (Kaohi) who cites Leuren K Moret – Moret is a fraud – she talks a great game and lies with such conviction that only a polygraph could tell it was not the truth –


      President, Scientists for Indigenous People is a title that she made up for herself – the organization does not exist!


      Moret never worked at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory – Moret did graduate research in Geology at the lab – it had nothing to do with radiation or uranium –


      Moret did work at Livermore as a Senior Scientific Technologist in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing – she worked there less than a year – she has no other apparent work history –


      Suggest you read some of the documents referenced on the attached Word file – you will find them very informative about your heroine Moret.  Tells you all about her being a fraud.


      Reply by Kaohi /Luwella Leonardi

      Aloha Amelia, . ....

      " Thanks for bringing this back up got diverted in local objectivity/abstract issues.

      In 2001, I was contacted first by the Royal Order than by a women that just came from a conference.

      " ,She and I went to Women's Center to xerox the recent published book..I just found it two days ago!!! in

      -:' my messy files. That night I attended a Waianae military meeting with the information/hard copy, back:

      in 2001. ISBN4-88517-301-9 C0036

      "The Chugoku Shimbun" story and Photos by Alira Tashiro, Translation by Transnet Forward by Leuren

      Moret President, Scientists for Indigenous People. 2001

      Here is the Foreword:



      I met Akira Tashiro last summer in Hiroshima, when I was invited by Gensuikin to speak about Yucca

      Mountain and high-level nuclear waste at the Plenary Session of the 2000 World Conference Against

      Atomic & Hydrogen bombs. The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki live with the aftermath of the

      horrific power and annihilation of nuclear bombs dropped on a civilian population and the extreme

      cruelty of the lifelong effects of exposure to flash external gamma rays and internal low-level radiation

      from fallout. This reality has changed the live of all those who have visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki and

      learned not only about the hibakusha (survivors) of japan, but of those around the world in Kazakhstan,

      the Pacific Islanders, and the Western United States. Radiation respects no borders. It is a slow, silent

      global mutilator of all life.

      * In the 197's I worked as an earth scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab. There the:transuranium

      *, elements were discovered for the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and the use

      of depleted uranium (DU) on the battlefield was first discussed. Later I worked at the Lawrence

      Livermore Lab, where the design of nuclear weapons continues. Radiation and nuclear weapons

      Scontinues.Radiation and nuclear weapons are seldom mentioned ina climate of secrecy and

      denial. Many scientists work in isolation and are only dimly aware of the'larger project.

      In the moment that I stood in the Hiroshima Peace Museum on the anniversary of the bombing looking

      up at "Little Boy," I was overwhelmed as a scientist. I realized that engineering and technology had built

      devices, through the misapplication of science, that could destroy all life on Earth. I saw photos of

      women with vacant stares nursing dead babies. As a mother and giver of life I wondered how, without

      conscience, man could destroy 4.5 billion, years of life evolving on this Earth. The unbelievably

      dangerous powers of nuclear weapon's have been developedby divorcing science from ethics, a Western


      The Chugoku Shimbun, Hiroshima's newspaper, has published two award-winning series on exposure to

      radiation. The first book, EXPOSURE: Victims of Radiation Speak Out, is a powerful message about

      the detrimental effects that radioactive substances from nuclear testing and "peaceful uses" of nuclear

      energy have had on people and the environment. In this second book, Discounted Casualties, personal,.

      stories about DU reveal the unbelievable immorality and cruelty of this new radioactive weapon..

      Radioactive waste from nuclear:iveaponsi development, mixed with highlevel waste from nuclear

      reactors, becomes a lethal cocktail in DU'ammunition. In recent reports, the US Department of

      Energy has admitted that military reactor waste has been mixed with DU. The waste contains

      plutonium, uranium-236, neptunium and other isotopes thousands of times more radioactive than

      DU. Disposing of dangerous waste at a profit benefits US government agencies and the military,

      industrial complex, while passing the liabilit for disposal and the biological and environmental

      damage to citizens around the world.

      Tungsten is a biologically and environmentally safer alternative with greaterdensity and

      penetrating power. DU bullets-are pyrophoric and ignite on impact, producing a smoke that

      poisons life and travels great distances. The bullet'fragments and dust left in the bodies of soldiers

      cause extended suffering, and cruel and inhumane deaths years after the war has ended. DUis.

      radioactive. It is a toxic metal, and the toxicity is greatly increased when combined with chemicals.

      It disproportionately affects women'and-children.

      DU munitions are illegal under international human rights and humanitarian law. Nevertheless, the

      US, the self-proclaimed "International Champion of Human Rights, "has used this inhumane

      weapon on the battlefield, exposing its own Soldiers, its allies, civilian populations, and future

      generations. Du testing in the US, continues to expose unsuspecting citizens and the environment.

      Pilots at Fallon Naval'Air Station in Nevada trainied on nearby bombing and gunnery ranges for the Gulf

      War. Now, the "don't look, don't find policy" of the military is concealing the cause of a recent leukemia

      cluster among children in Fallon. Overseas,,the use .ofradioactivtrea sh in weapons has turned Gulf

      countries, the Balkans, Viegues s'il`l: and'Okilnawa into dumpsites for the US government and the

      radiation industry. A single mi-s ,part icle ¢an cause a lethal disease. DU will continue topoison.

      life from the dust andsoils Of the batt1ie&lds and testinfg grounds. In ten half-lives, or 45 billion years,

      the radioactivity will become an insignificant amount.


      * Which is worse, flash annihilatioif by nuclear explosions, or slow mutilation from low-level

      * radiation, the result of radioactive c•ontamination of the air, water and earth essential to life?

      Globally, we have been deceived about the health: effects of radiation by bureaucratized governments

      . informed by the military industrial complex and scientific, power. In the past. half-century, 1.3 billion

      people have been killed maimed, and diseased-by nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Millions more

      will be killed, maimed and diseased unless the citizen't" of the world demand an end to the proliferation

      of nuclear weapons, nuclear power, nuclear waste, and the new radiological weapons.

      As the bell tolls, we must honor and respect the hibakusha' around theworld, who are living reminders.

      that we are pulling the rope of our own death knell. Let us thank the citizens of Japan. The Chugoku

      Shimbun, and Akira Tashiro, for making us aware of the most important issue of this century. And

      thanks to the veterans, whose stories m ake it clear that democracies, as well as living bodies, can

      develop malignancies.

      Berkeley, California

      June 2001'

      Leuren Moret

      President, Scientists for Indigenous People 


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      Music video by Kansas performing Dust In The Wind. (c) 2004 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

      by kansasVEVO 1 year ago 11,919,739 views

      • OFFICIAL
  • Outrageous Thought of the Day: Nuclear Hypocrisy


    Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository/U.S. Department of Energy

    Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository/U.S. Department of Energy

    How absurd is it that we have the government on the one hand pulling back from using a hollowed out mountain in Nevada to store nuclear waste because of a fear (legitimate I grant) that hundreds or thousands of years hence, some earthquake or other catastrophe could cause the stored waste to leak into the water table, while on the other hand we have this same government deliberately taking some of the most dangerous waste–the actual uranium from the used fuel rods–and putting it into bombs, shells and bullets to be splattered and burned all across the landscape?

    And I should note that it’s not just remote places like Iraq and Kuwait and Afghanistan that are being covered in super toxic and radioactive uranium dust–and I’m not just talking about the stuff that gets picked up in the wind and carried around the globe, or the stuff that gets inhaled by our troops and carried home internally, bad enough as that is.

    The truth is that depleted uranium weapons are being exploded and burned right here in the USA in training operations. The center of Hawaii’s Big Island, for example, which is a military zone, is heavily contaminated by DU ammunition fired by tanks there. The same is true of Vieques Island, long a favored target for the Navy, which for years has fired DU shells from its ships at the populated island, and also launched DU-tipped missiles and dropped DU-loaded “bunker-buster” bombs at it.

    While I don’t have direct knowledge, I’d say it’s a safe bet that there are a number of sites on the Mainland US where DU munitions have also been widely used–maybe White Sands Proving Ground the Marine training area near Joshua Tree National Monument in Southern California, or other such training and testing areas.

    The simple truth is that our own government, besides committing an ongoing atrocity in the Middle East, is also poisoning our own country with uranium oxide.

    Our Nobel Peace Prize president should take note. President John F. Kennedy reportedly moved to halt open air testing of nuclear weapons after looking at the rain falling outside the window of the Oval Office and asking a science advisor whether it was delivering nuclear fallout to his front lawn (he was told that it was). Maybe President Obama should consider that the rain today is delivering uranium dust to his wife’s and daughters’ garden in the back yard of the White House. At least he should take a look at pictures of the horribly deformed babies being born to mothers in Iraq (and of the lucky babies that are stillborn), thanks to the radioactive warfare that the US military has been employing against both that country and Afghanistan–his “necessary” war.

    There is another irony here too. The US is expressing concern about Iran enriching uranium, and possibly creating a nuclear bomb, which in the unlikely event that it were ever used, might spread some radioactivity around parts of the Middle east, yet it is the US which already has spread 2000 or more tons of uranium dust all over Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 18 years–far more than any small Iranian bomb could release.

    Dave Lindorff is a Philadelphia-based journalist. He is author of Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia... (Common Courage Press, 2003) and The Case for Impeachment (St. Martin’s Press, 2006). His work is available at

  • Amelia,


    Something must have went wrong after our last meeting in Nanakuli, but after ten years of addressing DU in Hawaii, the timing is right for screw balls to come out.  That night which went undocumented was a great force of selling out by our local leaders in Waianae.  So I fault our people not the Pentagon jerks and their 5 billion dollar budget. 


    But, in truth I thought the Pentagon won the evening with tons of misinformation and lies.  I knew that I was the only legitimate person there that are concern for the citizens not just of Hawaii, but all the Pacific Ocean islanders.  Talk about wimpy's of 2010 they were there in patches of watermelon.  Or, was I suppose to say cabbage patch kids.   


    Why is Tad Davis bringing the 'Hurt Lockers" into play is my question.  Iwonder if he is being ripped by his superiors, or because Neil is the governor and Nancy Caraway is no sissy when it comes to the military and their wasteful spending in Hawaii. 


    I know we are still confronting the Asian and Russians over Nuclear Proliferation and the only Pentagon out come or zero sum game, is to use the ocean as a dump site for Nuclear Isotopes.  There has to be plans that are designed for ocean hoppers somewhere out there on the drawing board.  A make belief Toy's R Us game board that is.


    The market is crashing supposedly the end of this month.  So, I really don't know what to say because I am not an expert in these things. 


    Albertini is not a threat, so as to why they (he) is picking on him is strange.  Dave Lindorff seems to be a terrific guy and seems to care enough to not sell out any human being on earth. 


    Can you contact Isac Harp on this one.  He needs to know that the side winders are slithering around with their poison media blitz.


    There is not much that I can do because the work is already done, it's time for the public to start opening themselves for some 'smarts' and get off the social-wanna-be-friends-with looser leaders. 


    Note how military slam the nazi stuff, similar to the asshole on Maoliworld.  This guy fits the pattern for recreating history going back to the civil war.  Too much Mark Twain and their pervertedness.  These guys are connected, huh?  But they really don't look like elephants.  Mmmmmm



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