Posted by

Robert Oliviera

Aloha e kakou,


Here is a proposed legislative measure which would establish a committee to investigate the status of the Executive Agreements entered into between President Cleveland and HRH Queen Liliuokalani to conduct an investigation of the overthrow and restore the Hawaiian Kingdom government. Herein lies a test for the people who believe this is America, will they become enlightened and let freedom ring, or will they remain ignorant and let injustice go unanswered.

Please review it and if can, kokua for justice.

Here is the link to HCR 107...

Me ke aloha pumehana,


Robert Oliveira, Jr.

Private Citizen, Hawaiian National

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  • Mahalo for sharing Kaohi.


    Who do you think they are kidding.

    You telling me they know nothing of the history.

    Now they want to do an investigation. 

    The " LHG" hit it  right on the BULLEYES and they have been in process since march 13,1999

    We have a choice to be a NATION within a NATION  or INDEPENDENCE NATION

    I will share the copies  of the HCR107, SB1, SB1520 and HCR1627 to my OHANA . Now they will understand the Hawaiian Kingdom does exist. 

    Mahalo K





  • Aloha Robert


    I was looking for something else on your blog and found this, I hope you don't mind that I reprinted your posting on the forum.  I feel that it is important to read and see the legislature and their logic!  If one can call this time line logic or sequence order.  Much aloha for being out there.

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