Native Hawaiian women did not kill off farmers and trash their families and culture. I take this sense of talk to be insulting by the very authority that did damage through out the world to call the kettle steel white, Edmund thinks that his superior rein over native land and money belongs to his market. To not take responsible for the existing poverty at it's face value hardly gives any person a marked knowledge about Hawaii's society. The morality and valued market are not the only tools of success for self-sufficiency therefore the laws in which we live in ought not reflect the criminal actions of the true sense of theft. A mixture of the son of god, murder, and thief seems hardly an angelic response to Apartheid on Maoliworld. Struggling with young minds at De Occupy Thomas Square reflects Edmund Kettering's bone of contention in the style of a born child in San Francisco that joined the military returned home to his grandmothers home to wreak havoc with a group of women that had nothing to do with Alii and Business men, but do bare the wrath based on their failed economic woes. Wasted human illness and expecting care giving, native Hawaiian women cannot wipe the asses of a donkey and pretend it's for the good of mankind.

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