computerpo on 04/13/2011:
RationalLaw, this was not a debate about the merits of whether to legalize or not legalize drug use. It was about giving community supervision officers some tools to deal with drug use with individuals on community supervision....cus they broke the law. Sure some may have been "just drug users"...but many also stole, hurt, or killed someone...cus they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. OR that is at least what the claimed. They want substance abuse treatment now that they have been convicted of breaking the law. Too many offenders commit crimes because they were under the influence of something, alcohol and/or drugs. If cigar become illegal I will put them down. Why? Because I don't need them. By the way, do we have any offenders who committed a crime cus they smoked cigars? NO...Again, read the blog article for its purpose to inform supervision officers who have to deal with those who abuse substances...who have a history of not being able to conduct themselves consistent with the law. We also don't need more drugs or imitation drugs on the market for minors to get hold of...or for offenders to give as an excuse for bad they can get treatment as opposed going to prison. Substance abuse is a serious matter. Expanding it in the name of "freedom" is like handing out hand grendades to everyone as it is a free country. Freedom does not mean freedom from responsiblity.
in reading this comment it's worth the time to stopping drugs and the use of it!
It takes a lot of commitment to our families to understand the 'evil' of cyber space drug pushers!