Hawaiian Homesteaders have suffered greatly by the surrounding private landowners and their tenants. At the backhand of my mother and persisting that she was-- one walked of the fee simple land and onto ancestral land my backyard. Particularly Hawaiian Homestead Land for native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum in 1974. Being the older sibling and having the means for fee simple in the Western Land Tenure, one thought that the younger siblings would inherent my parents homesteading in Waimanalo. Wrong! Yes, my younger sibling did inherent family homestead land, but with problems that will journey into the western values (Westphalia type). Mother being a strong willed person with missionary conditioning saw this as 'satanic in nature'. Not being the static type, mother set my destiny in motion what I thought was for a weekend had turned into almost 40 years of raging protest against the killing of my people! It is ugly to say that we had tension between us and them when western values not!
The Hawaiian religion was in private prayers meaning still in practice, but not openly. My father gathered unconsciously from the surrounding environment as a natural habit of his and all the people before him. The way of sensible beingness with the environment was almost godly with my humble late father. Hardly, and in utter disgust of the surroundings of western values, one agreed to mother's request and became an active kanaka in her home environment at a heavy cost, but a necessary evil! Responding to the need of Na Kupuna evictions on Hawaiian Homesteads, the beatings and killings one looked to reducing the violence through creative ways, education, native culture practices and thousands of social gatherings. The resiliencies of my every being to hold off the situation, I critically stood for what was once my people’s love of land and all living things in its place. This is no longer someone else's backyard!
Hawaii is our home where my people have lived harmoniously over thousands of years. There is much evidence to this notion when assessing Hawaii's biome. Hawaiian usage and practices was an intricate woven balance of natural habitats unexploited, however, western values, greed, and ignorance devalued Hawaii's environment into a waste product in fee. Simply put, Westerners are human products of war (Westphalia), toxicity, and reeks with disease and death. My backyard is dumpsite for nuclear waste militarily and in this western valued practice holds concepts of intended deaths. We have a high rate of premature mortality in Waianae. That's what's happening in my back yard. Its Western fee users often are faraway, however, reachable through their hefty cash buckets.
Gathering from aina are fragile in Hawaii's backyards for the environment has no boundaries in natural systems. Birds fly, roots spread and water flows are just some of what the Na Kanaka understands. A natural system from mountain to sea and as we see too from sea to mountain. Granted, a Westerner is new to this phenomena and in great disrespect chose to set forth violence to meet their concept of systems. Western bullying and their cooperative Na Kanaka was stifling to its natural elements in Hawaii for decades. In the face of my people that worked for civil sustenance in their backyard this is what I know to be the true sense of Hawaii. And the APEC person's are putting all Pacific Islanders in high risk with little response of humanitrian contracting agreements. This is our back yard.
Warring westerner's and their code of military bullying were the reasons for land fallow. Subjugating women into sexual misconduct behind the veil of religious superiority was the fate of native Hawaiian women that was forced into rehabilitation missionary institutions. That is the true fact! Forced entry and unforgiving trespasses, god forbids this is my backyard! This is Ke Akua's Ahupua'a--western concepts are uninvited. Courting wars, and bending the very back of our future by recruiting our young men and women to fight another 30 years Westphalia non peace activities are acts of evil! This is my home!
Westerner's interfered, dissected and demolished their habitat as a continuous nonstop. My home aligned with my ancestors’ hands for they did not change the systems of habitat. My ancestors did not divide the war torn spoils militarily to their fellow in fee. They celebrated their love of their land that embodied their natural nature. There was never a need to divide and destroy our backyard natural environment outside of the thinking Na Kanaka. This is our children’s home and its teachers are the spirits that lies within the systems of nature. This holy ground is my backyard.