In support of (de) Occupation at Honolulu Police Department:

People do die during sweeps, and Trish Morikawa has notches on the wall the only memorial for the deaths of houseless.  I've been doing houseless for over 30 years and it used to be easy to help, now all that we can do is bury the dead, watch the dying ill, and see children lives destroyed.  We have revolving doors built into the system for poor to poverty.  We have more of cruel citizens--so nothings working.  Five years from now most local 18 year old males will be disenfranchised from Hawaii's society.  Gang enforcements agencies are preparing their careers as we speak.   Department of Hawaiian Homes are going through permitting for prisons to be built in our native communities--mainly Waianae.  Common Core education don't have the resources nor the know how to ready children for the global market. And our mentality is to drive by and snicker at these brave working college students.

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