HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Governor Abercrombie Monday released a list of 23 bills that he may veto.
Abercrombie has until July 12 to make final decisions.
Here his the Governor's Veto List:
SB23 Relating to Native Hawaiians (Aha Kiole Advisory Council)
SB590 Relating to the Legislative Federal Economic Stimulus Program Oversight Commission (Extends sunset date to Dec. 31, 2011)
SB1493 Relating to Light Pollution (Requires fully shielded outdoor light fixtures by July 1, 2013)
SB1417 Relating to the State Rehabilitation Council (Minimum number of members for quorum)
SB40 Relating to Pseudoephedrine (Tracking system for sale of products that contain pseudoephdrine)
HB56 Relating to Child Visitation (Grandparent visitation)
SB44 Relating to Public Safety (Inmate rehabilitation and re-entry)
HB318 Relating to Vog (Interagency task force)
SB217 Relating to Limitation of Actions (Statute of limitations, sexual offenses against minors)
HB545 Relating to Voter Registration (Online Voter Registration)
HB1405 Relating to Planning (Greenways and trails)
HB667 Relating to Food Safety (Food safety and security program within DOA)
SB1511 Relating to Aquaculture (Increases maximum lease terms)
SB1559 Relating to Important Agricultural Lands (Establishes incentives)
HB680 Relating to Kakaako (Kakaako Makai Community Planning Advisory Council, Repeal)
HB1520 Relating to Renewable Energy (PUC, On-bill financing)
HB1134 Relating to Prepaid Health Care Repeals Part V of Hawaii Prepaid Health Care Act and Act 99 SLH 1994)
HB1155 Relating to Repeat Offenders
HB1164 Relating to Public Lands (Allows sale of Sand Island parcels to leaseholders)
HB1230 Relating to Building Permits (Exempts construction for certain non-residential structures)
HB1505 Relating to State Facilities (State renovation public-private partnership)
HB1654 Relating to Group Living Facilities
SB49 Relating to Correctional Facilities (Deaths, reporting requirements)
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