Hawaii is the next ground zero for nuclear waste.  Sadly, from my last ten years of community building the out come was more ignorance than when we started.  In 2009, the Waianae leaders decided for the people of Waianae that, "it would be okay to spread nuclear isotopes all over Waianae."  It met the NRC rules and AEC gavel, and Gregory Jaczko definition in some insane way.  Along comes the Pentagon and it's hopper's of every witch kine and we have Makua-Yucca-Yaca-Yucky Valley!  Waianae residents give tours once a month so that you too can be contaminated with nuclear sickness.  Bring your children along these trips--especially infants they are the 21st century sponge bobs, we don't have polar bears roaming the hills.  

Yes, people all of the above is stupid and down right ridiculous!  But, dammit it is true!

People the problem of Nuclea sickness is ourselves, one person can't be talking it will take lot's of people to start writing, reading and voicing their opinion before any solution can be brought to the table, local community and the sea shores.  

Soil Sludge is all that one can give to the cause ..check the studies done on the Ala Wai and their citizens and experts--as far as anyone is concern--if there is living organisms, "not to worry."

I have no answers just that it takes tons of reading, writing and sharing information to build a citizenry attitude of caring for oneself and aina in the face of nuclear contamination.

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  • Oops, difficulty in expression grammatically correct when talking shop on nuclear debris.  

    I still don't have an answer to the on coming debris problem whether it is below, above or high in the air..it still contaminates people!

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