VIDEO: Military opponents dismissed on Hawaii Island

February 25, 2010 Featured, Mauna Kea 6 Comments

Hilo, Hawaii – Video by David Corrigan

For some Big Island residents, a busy week in protest of the Pohakuloa Training Area and the controversial issue of depleted uranium on Hawaii Island, has concluded with a litigious blow to their cause.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has denied a request for a hearing made by Cory Harden, Jim Albertini, Isaac D. Harp, and Oahu’s Luwella K. Leonardi, in a memorandum and order issued on Wednesday. 

The NRC Administrative Judges found that Harden, Harp and Albertini, all vocal opponents of the military training on the Big Island, had failed to establish standing in the matter of the Army’s pending application for a request to possess depleted uranium on at Pohakuloa, as well as Schofield Barracks on Oahu.

The military request to the NRC comes from the army’s use of M101 “spotting rounds” in the 1960s on firing ranges on both islands. From the background summary written in the decision:

The M101 spotting rounds were used with the Davy Crockett Weapon System, which was a then-classified tactical nuclear weapon system produced from 1960 to 1968. The Army used the spotting rounds and non-nuclear practice projectiles for training purposes until 1968. The spotting rounds contained DU because its heavy weight enabled the rounds to imitate the trajectory of the non-nuclear practice projectiles. The spotting rounds held a small explosive charge that detonated on impact, allowing the weapon system operator to target the weapon accurately before firing practice projectiles. The practice projectiles purportedly had a range of approximately 1,000 to 1,500 yards. The Army states that, as the decades passed after 1968 during which the Davy Crockett Weapon System was no longer used, the DU fragments from the spotting rounds that were fired remained undetected at the Army installations. The Army further states, however, that in August 2005, personnel at Schofield discovered spotting round tail assemblies and other DU fragments while clearing former range areas of munitions. This discovery triggered an Armywide historical records search to identify other sites where M101 spotting rounds may have been used. In 2008, the Army confirmed the presence of DU from M101 spotting rounds at Pohakuloa.

Many island residents have objected to the testing methods employed to track any possible effects the DU may have had, or currently has, on the community.

Responding to the NRC decision, Albertini said “the NRC’s order denying us a hearing is not surprising.  The NRC has never denied a license request.  The NRC appears to be a rubber stamp for the military and the nuclear industry, much like the so-called Bank regulators are a rubber stamp for the Wall St. Banksters ongoing criminal enterprise.  The deck is stacked against the citizen and taxpayer in challenging policies that favor special interests.  The heart of the issues are ignored and the case is reduced to using procedural legal technicalities to deny citizens their rights and their voice.  Legal bureaucrats in Rockville, Maryland , paid with our tax dollars, have determined that we who live here in Hawaii have no standing to challenging the military poisoning our island home with radiation.  What kind of justice, freedom and democracy is that?”

“In plain language,” Albertini continued, “a military license to possess DU in the heart of our island is a license for a nuclear waste dump. The state of Hawaii (BLNR) that leases land to the military on its 133,000 acre PTA base for 65 years for a total of $1.00 should cancel the lease.  We need to malama the aina not abuse it.”

On Tuesday, Albertini spoke to state government representatives during a public meeting in Hilo, when the above video was taken. The next day, Albertini says some 30 protestors picketed outside the gate of Pohakuloa as the military reportedly met with local officials behind closed doors. The substance of the meeting has not yet been made public.

On Monday, retired Army Colonel, Ann Wright, spoke about the adverse effects of DU at a meeting in Keaau. She reportedly joined Tuesday’s protest as well, after Albertini says she was denied the opportunity to represent the interests of Albertini’s Malu Aina peace organization at the meeting.

Pohakuloa Training Area

Related posts:

  1. Pohakuloa Radiation Safety Plan at NRC meeting, March 31
  2. Delays for Saddle Road as military convoys, April 2
  3. VIDEO: Public meets on Pohakuloa military expansion in Hilo

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  • Thank you Malu Aina for hosting Pono Kealoha and myself.  Because of Malu Aina we not only saved hotel money, we were given the most gracious hospitality.  At this time, in Rockvill, Maryland the NRC and the military are meeting over the use of DU in Hawaii.


    Unbeknown to the activist of today, Jim Albertini stood in front a Nuclear vessel and went to prison for it!  He stopped Nuclear vessel from docking in Big Island.  He was one of the bravest man in the Pacific along side David Mc Taggert.  Both Jim and David stood up for Free Pacific in the face of evil!  Because of these two men we were able to live longer for our environment are being contaminated with 'Isotopes' as I am posting this information.

  • nuclear_explosions_15.gifThe entity State of Hawaii and the United States FAILS to take care of the health, lives, safety of all the people in the Hawaiian Islands, along with the military promoting toxins/poisons in a neutral, friendly nation. Toxins include the promotion of



    "All the people" includes Hawaiians as defined pre-Cayetano days of   In 2000 the United States Supreme court
    "ruled that the state could not restrict eligibility to vote in elections for the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to persons of Native Hawaiian descent."


    "All the people" also includes descendants of the subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the plantation workers, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, et.als., visitors, military personnel, etc. or all Innocents in the Hawaiian Islands.


    It seems appropriate to have a class-action suit against the entity State of Hawaii (and its share of departments - includes Department of Education, Hawaiian Homes, Department of Health, etc.), and the U.S. (parts of the Hawaiian Kingdom's departments were taken over by the U.S., such as the Department of Interiors workload after the claimed Annexation, that did not occur), which also includes the military (who did criminally occupy a friendly, neutral nation after the standing order of Congress on January 8, 1893 posted in the NEW YORK TIMES January 9, 1893 see: 


    Adding other entities such as the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Estates, Trustees, et. als. is also necessary due to the criminal activities, the conspiracies documented, piracy(ies) etc. which did support the premeditation activities against the authority (Queen and her government), families/true owners of lands, descendants who existed then, and exist today, etc.


    Appears that the World Court is the next step, which includes documenting the U.S., entity State of Hawaii as genocide activists, etc.


    Note:  it is interesting that a Wright person represented Malu Aina...........could it be that she (Wright) is part of the Judd family?  The Judd's played a big role in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in sense allowing such support to represent Malu Aina............or any citizen for that matter.



    Opposition Continues because


    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!




    eyes 068

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

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  • Last night I attended Tom Bergs Landfill meeting. 


    Sadly, it was about bashing IBEW 1260.  I stayed as long as I could ..pass 9 PM.


    I also spoke up because General Lee was on the panel.  I waited till most of the audience left.  What IBEW and EPA Reginal 9 have in common they both serve Guam.  On the people side of things this brings to mind that we need to pay attention as to why Micros are exiting their Islands and opting for the US--because they need medical.  What's my point, so do we because of the contamination of U235, U 238 and now U 239. 


    Is this our future, yes!  Exit Planning should be part of family planning.  This sad but Waianae families need to plan for their future.

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