Public Land Development Corporation

The Public Land Development Corporation is a state entity created by the Legislature in 2011 to develop state lands and generate revenues for the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Through creating public-private partnerships, the corporation aims to attract private companies as joint partners in the development of recreational and leisure centers.

The Latest

The corporation was formed after the Legislature passed Senate Bill 1555, which was signed into law as Act 55 by Gov. Neil Abercrombie on May 20, 2011. The bill passed the Senate by a 23-1 vote, with one senator excused. Les Ihara was the sole senator who voted against the bill. The House passed the bill by a 40-9 margin, with two members excused.

In July 2011, two of the corporation's five board members were appointed. The remaining three are state division heads.

Duane Kurisu, a partner in the real estate investment firm, Kurisu & Fergus, was appointed by House SpeakerCalvin Say.

Bobby Bunda, a former state senator, was appointed by Senate President Shan Tsutsui. The board has yet to officially meet or name an executive director.


The Public Land Development Corporation was formed out of concerns that the Department of Land and Natural Resources lacked the personnel and operating budget to effectively manage the state’s resources. The corporation will act as a development arm of DLNR.

The bill was sponsored by Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz.

The Department of Land and Natural Resources' operating budget for capital improvements has been reduced by 55 percent during the past nine years.

Local advocacy groups that have taken issue with parts of Act 55 include Hawaii’s Thousand Friends, an organization dedicated to ensuring that land use decisions are made in the public’s best interest, and the Sierra Club, an environmental advocacy organization. The groups have voiced concern about the broad powers of the corporation and its ability to bypass county permitting requirements and zoning regulations.


The corporation is governed by a five-member board of directors. Three state agencies are represented on the board either by its director or their designee. The agencies include the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; the Department of Budget and Finance; and the Department of Land and Natural Resources. One member is appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, and one member is appointed by the president of Senate.

The board chooses an executive director and determines his or her salary. The executive director can hire salaried employees.

The corporation’s operating budget is $135,000 for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, which is appropriated out of funds for the land conservation program.


The corporation has broad powers for entering into private partnerships and establishing its own governing objectives and policies. It also is tasked with identifying state lands under DLNR that are suitable for development. The Board of Land and Natural Resources must approve all land transfers.

The corporation, with the approval of the governor, can also issue revenue bonds for constructing, acquiring and renovating public facilities, as well as for the acquisition of non-public lands.


Key Players

  • Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz
  • Richard Lim, Director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources
  • William Aila, Chairperson of the Department of Land and Natural Resources
  • Guy Kaulukukui, First Deputy of the Department of Land and Natural Resources
  • Kalbert Young, Director of the Department of Budget and Finance
  • Duane Kurisu, partner with Kurisu & Fergus, a real estate investment firm
  • Bobby Bunda, former state senator

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