I don't have faith in any persons mentioned in this article as a matter of fact, I wish they would take their stupid fishing practice back to whence they all came from. Native Hawaiians cherished their ocean for over 2,000 years throughout the entire Pacific Ocean. Then the Europeans came, USA came, French dropped in, Russia and so forth and actually had the gall to lay claim to our precious native practices. This entire article is a joke when one speaks to the idea of military and their nuclear waste dumping on aina and kai. Do anyone in this article dare to speak up about the military? I will be discussing this article with fishermen that really know their practices as oppose to the lab rat scientist. I'm talking about those that want a beach front property and near a bar for night time usage. We have too many alcoholic so-called scientist way-warding through things that they have no historical involvement, but a whole lot of elementary school benchmarks
My second comment:
This article is not worth the salt it spews, that includes the laziness of this author's intent and that's to glamorize the practices with rhinestones and glitter. Ancient fishing practices are lost in the egotistical nature of this article, for I was there 36 years ago in the thicket of the formation of Wespac. Long ago, I was also sitting in the cafeteria at Waimanalo Elementary listening to the beginnings of Mrs Tab Pryor's "I going feed the world" speech in the 60s. Both had it's heroic ideals that transpired to wars and crimes on the high seas. The imports of frozen foods from far off lands (Wadsworth Yee) for tourist industry and the military continuation of nuclear contaminates of our aina and ocean seems more real to me than the yada of over fishing the Pacific--I don't buy it! It's about macho control like the Thomas Square admiralty epic of long ago. Aside from the Ekman Drift theory and the shrinking of boundaries such as 15 miles, 5 miles and now 3 miles which was a joke when the Soviet Union (Russia) subs wadded through the Auau currents between islands seems all laughable sometimes. The 'aki' at Keeau's and Kahana bay are in peril because this article author was more interested in 'lolo' heads than the relationship between the environment and ancient Hawaiian practice of caring for the their shoreline and the open seas. Turtles, monk seals are death marcher's to us and was either brought here or raised in Sea lifePark hatcheries to kill the shoreline 'aki' that are the real spawner's of the sea. Too bad I stay talking to the wall.