And we discussed the kaona.."So the gods may enter and not man"
Explained the destruction of man on earth, it's soil and environment! She quickly understood that man can insist on destruction over the nature and it's fragility.
Here is a posting on our environmental problems here in Waianae...please join us!
Aloha `ohana,
The day of reckoning is upon us! Tom Berg's most recent update puts the Wai`anae Sustainable Communities Plan (Bill 50) for it’s third and final reading at the next full City Council meeting on Wednesday, February 15th at 10 AM in Kapolei. In order for that to happen it would have to have it’s second go at the Zoning and Planning committee next week Thursday, February 9th at Kapolei Hale. It can’t have it’s final full council reading until it goes to Zoning and Planning. We will know by Friday if it’s on next Thursday’s agenda and blast out another e-mail.
Unfortunately in the same update email Berg said "At this time, there have been no major changes to the plan other than cosmetic amendments including the removal of the no new landfill clause." We are reading this to mean that he will NOT be making the amendment to Remove the Purple Spot. He has committed to coming to our meeting on this Friday. To accomodate what we're hoping is a large group, we will be holding an accountability session with Mr. Berg at the Wai`anae Library at 6pm. We are hoping that the community will show up in force to hold Berg's feet to the fire and ask him the hard questions, like "Hey, you're supposed to represent us, why won't you introduce the amendment to remove the purple spot?!" And perhaps even use some gentle arm-twisting to remind him that this is an election year.
The good news is that Breene Harimoto has said he will introduce the amendment for us, but we need to ask Tom Berg to, at the very least, not vote against the amendment.
In the meantime, we can all work to call any and all our councilmembers! You can say something like, "I'm calling about the Wai`anae Sustainable Communities Plan, would you support an amendment to remove the purple spot?" Here are their numbers:
Ann Kobayashi: 768-5005
Ernie Martin: 768-5002
Ikaika Anderson: 768-5003
Tulsi Gabbard: 768-5006
Stanley Chang: 768-5004
Romy Cachola: 768-5007
Nestor Garcia: 768-5009
Please also consider calling
Breene Harimoto: 768-5008 (to thank him for committing to making the amendment to remove the purple spot)
Tom Berg: 768-5001 (to ask him point blank whether or not he’ll make the amendment, and if not, why not?)
I suspect that many of them will not want to commit to one side or the other, in that scenario make sure to express your desire for them to vote to amend the WSCP to remove the purple spot! (Out, out, damn spot!)
Hope to see everyone on Friday, bring as many people as you can!
-Shelley and Marti