UPDATE: Extra Enforcement Puts “Tail Spin” on Return of Vessel to Molokai

January 21st, 2012 · 4 Comments · Comments Via Facebook (0) · FeaturedMaui News

By Wendy Osher

A group of about 40 protesters returned to Kaunakakai Harbor on Molokai on Saturday, January 21, 2012, as the Safari Explorer vessel resumed port calls to the island.

“An agreement had been worked out and things had been going quite nicely,” said Molokai resident Walter Ritte, “but this show of force has put everything in a tail spin,” he said of the increased enforcement presence.

Ritte was among the group that shared words of discontent today, calling the government response “unfortunate.”

A variety of signs held in the demonstration included the statements, “We’re not terrorists,” “Be pono to Molokai,” and, “We have the right to access our ocean ways.”

The vessel, owned by the American Safari Cruises company, temporarily suspended port callsto the island last month in response to community concerns and a water blockade; but service resumed today under a compromise agreement reached with protesters who have argued that there was a lack of a community process in decisions related to tourism and its affects on the island’s lifestyle and resources.

Safari Explorer protest. Courtesy photo 1/21/12.

Supporters of the operation maintain that the 36-passenger Safari Explorer yacht supports local business, and helps to address the island’s historically high unemployment rate.

Company officials said the vessel resumed its visits to Molokai in accordance with the agreement reached with all parties.

“Unfortunately, a group of people chose not to abide by the agreement for a peaceful resumption of visits to the island, but many signs were also observed welcoming the yacht’s guests to Moloka’i,” said Sarah Scoltock, Director of Communications & Business Development at American Safari Cruises.

As the vessel returned, the state announced plans to implement a security zone one hour prior to the vessel’s harbor entries and departures.

Demonstrators expressed anger and resentment over additional enforcement presence saying it, “brought out many more protesters, and made things worse.”

Officials with the Maui Police Department said there were no reports of disorderly conduct and no arrests were made upon the ship’s arrival.

Company officials said the yacht docked without obstruction, and guests toured the island as planned during the day.

An evening pa’ina was also held celebrating one of the guest’s 70th birthday.

Ritte said, “The Aha Kiole o Molokai is still determined to keep it’s word, and will stand by it’s agreement to work with it’s community and present documents of its findings to the government after its meetings with the Molokai community.”

He further stated that, “The goal of the Aha Kiole is to bring a voice to its grass roots community that is fair and representative.”

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  • Mahalo Paul for your sense of worth for the island of Molokai.

    At this time we are having a sweep of our Na Kanaka Kupuna at Keeau's, it is heartbreaking for me to go through the motions of helping our people move away from what they know--alaloa-access, gathering rights, water use-common law, splintered paddle law--all of our birth rights that was held and placed at our cradle.  

    As to how our Na Kupuna going to face the enforcer's tomorrow with very little strength left in their frail bodies --I just don't know.  Much aloha to all of you on Molokai.

  • I agree with you Paul as far fetch as one may sound to today's ears, you are absolutely correct!  Molokai should be preserved for the future generations.  With it's pristine environment, kind and loving people and untouched by capitalism's greed--let the existing flora, fauna and humanity live in peace.  

    Oahu has problems that cannot be resolved because of it's rate of change to density and with out the people knowing.  To explain during the State and Federal task force, density was added to Department of Hawaiian Homes during Reagan administration.  It was a huge mistake!

    It was a run on our future and a rise that spiked out of control.  I am very proud of the people of Molokai for showing up and standing in the faces of the million dollar security.  David Kennedy academic thesis and all that surrounds the Hawaii-five O script writers one wonders how stupid can the state be to go this far on it's peaceful and loving Na Kupuna.  Shame shame!

    • Mahalo for a well thought out, educated response.

  • Keep Molokai from becoming like Oahu and Maui!!! KEEP THE CRUISE SHIPS AWAY!!! KEEP ALL NON HAWAII RESIDENTS AWAY!!!  

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