It is so appalling to hear Michelle Kauhane justify the use of extreme force on the elderly, disable and sickly Hawaiian Homesteaders tonight.  

A month ago the Sheriffs office came in with guns, tasrs and batons ready to use on young people, elderly and a bed ridden elderly.  Tonight was about CYA, Monday Quarter Backing, and yada yada about DHHL's actions.  80% of our Hawaiian Homesteaders are up for lease CXL because of their bankers--that is approx. 800 families that are 50% plus bloodquantum.  

The DHHL idiot enforcement's bagged all household item from two houses and are now storing their household items at Campbell Industrial Complex.  It will cost $5,000 to retrieve their personal belongings.  

Michelle Kauhane laughed the whole night as if this was a Toy Story night.  She is a child with no sense of humanity!

Within the next five years 4,000 native Hawaiians with 50% plus blood quantum will be evicted from their homes.  Michelle Kauhane plans were loud and clear tonight the banks, the courts, and enforcement's with a girl giggle drama queen.

800 children were thrown off the hill at Kapalama heights, this is the same sing song scam that I heard back in the 80s that I heard again tonight.  Heartless and cruel to children the same given tactic will be played upon native Hawaiian homestead in Waianae Valley.  

People died, children died, and parents died broken heart--that person was Ivan Laikupu our former Hawaiian Homestead President for Waianae Valley.  

Michelle Kauhane lied tonight!


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  • Disabled Hawaiians should not be sent to the curb in a wheel chair and that is exactly what had happened.  

  • Yesterday, this is my day:  Stop and talk to the family of the evicted from Hawaiian Homestead to disencourage them from digging rabbit holes.  DHHL Deputy Director Michelle Kauhane came to create more rabbit holes in my Waianae Homestead instead of a solution.  From there I headed off to Sharlene's camp cause she is hungry.  I took her over to Waianae Boat Harbor to eat.  My friend Eugene have been feeding homeless for over 20 years.  on Wed and Saturdays.  He has seen it all and knows that houseless are in need of talking to each other and an ear to listen.  

    Houseless people are human beings and that is what the spoil brats that goes to the hill are missing from their minds.

    Mrs Kauhane was our cafeteria lady at Waimanalo Elementary Intermediate School and she was a kind hearted woman.  Unfortunately, not her children's children.  Having to check on the disabled couple that was evicted--my thoughts are that they lived in their home for 36 years and now they are on the streets as a disabled person(s).  My frontal lobe question is how low more they will live?  One cannot survive on the streets after living in a house for 36 years.  

    But, what Michelle Kauhane did was to create more rabbit holes, houseless, and in house fighting among the people.  The last time Ray Soon the creator of this problems was the DHHL director, we had a series of deaths due to confusion caused by Ray Soon.  40 people died young and old, riots had occurred on the streets and people went into debt big time.  

    Here is another forthright problem 'Federal Funding will smash Hawaiian Homesteaders to smithereens.  Should the Federal funds roll in at the beginning of Kaneaki and sit like a big bunny with an everyready battery going..going..going, my community will see another 40 deaths very quickly among the old and the young.    

    Children are committing suicide in our community because they cannot disappoint their parents.  They are on drugs and are in need of help.  But, the overall community puts them to shame and eventually death happens.  You born them and bury them!




  • My recent post on Dou Matsuoka's facebook.


    This is so disgusting! I grew up on Hawaiian Homestead in Waimanalo, it is my fathers parents home for over 2,000 years. I come from the real thing. As a child, I understood the human hunting games. Prince Kuhio was part of the hunting team. He is the Anglo Saxons-Sanford B. Dole professional hunting team of native women and children. All my life, I am just outside their planning room door. But, my energies and resources only goes so far. I cannot stop these organizations from hunting people for they are not the planners. The question is who are these planners? How or what and why these planners want. We're a trade society with care and aloha for our aina and it's people. We are not about the marks on the wall that counts the human kill, we care about all people of the world that is Haloa. Unfortunately, DHHL (Prince Kuhio) are hunting women and children through the use of Wall Street needs base redlining. I cannot even fathom the future of Waianae Valley Hawaiian Homestead as viable community. In this recent process, and because I am not from Waianae, I learned the magnitude of children committing suicide over the span of fifteen years. Young people are killing themselves in my community. And the data for suicide are used for grant monies, one being Ho'okulaiwi a program at UH Manoa

  • It is so disturbing to be fighting Maoliworld over illegal prescription drug sales and to have this phenone in my own backyard community go on!!!!

  • Another posting this time on flicker.

    Last night I too had a Hawaiian Homestead Valley association meeting where women in my community were abused by the State.  Apparently, the enforcement's had my community in lock down.  Should they have spoken up their medication would have been pulled.  I did not buy into the 'obesity' wall that was set up by the association and Michell Kauhane DHHL Deputy partners in crime and her bankers sweet potato roll.  Around the 1978 con con, I was knee deep with designer druggist, as well as, pot heads at it's finest.  It took a major arrest on the hill before the Hawaiian usage began to subside.  Last night, it was sad to see this all happening again. Hawaiian Homestead is not all milk and honey. We are having the same fictional 'toy story' avatar space cadets on Waianae Hawaiian Homestead with bankers, rabbit holes, federal carrot funding, preschool obesity-snacks, and Waianae Comprehensive emergency drug store 24/7 reopening their doors.  Our future generation needs more than pills, stars and stripes.  Defiantly, I'm keeping my chiropractors appointment this week.  I'm going for a swim and be one with my ancestors.  This is so trashy! 

  • Here is another facebook response:

    Aloha Doug,  at last nights meeting it was a retake for me.  I remember the ugly days of the 1978 con con when 'designer drug boys' were in fashion at the State Legislature.  The enforcer's that I was confronting offered me drugs because they felt I needed it.  Prescription drugs are a survival tool for people out here, and it was sad to see too many women addicts at my Hawaiian Homestead Assciation meeting. They were covering their addiction under obesity. They were much more concern about their prescription than the future generation.  Apparently, Bill 54 have data from past raids and the Sheriffs office have these women in lock down.  I see a chiropractor weekly for health needs, exercise and try to eat less junk food, so I am not part of the pack that runs in fear.

  • I responded to...with:

     Need to add native Hawaiians with 50% bloodquantum to the pecking order of bank rolling. Michelle Kauhane of DHHL joined the vampire's club. We teach native Hawaiian women to read fiction and they act it out in their adult life. Where are the Edwards when we need them. Where are the wolves too! Actors anyone?

  • I wrote this response on Doug Matsuoka's facebook.

    All that happen last night was more banker's rabbit holes.  My Waianae Hawaiian Homestead Association brought in a feast of more loans for their inevitable exit plan.  But, before this occurrence we should see the famine upshot, ones that I see at Keeau's and all the other sweeps along Waianae shores.  In my community the disease and deaths will rise quickly because of the recent military control burning's. The burn't cinder dust is blowing throughout my community.  We should see phenomena and possibly deaths in my community among the old.  Coughing up phlegm would help, but it all depends on the strength of the old, younger generations are a little bit more mobile. So much for pinkville Vietnam style.   

  • I wrote this response to Will Espero of Ewa

    It was a sad night, we could not talk Michelle Kauhane into stopping the use of guns, tasrs and batons on our elderly, disabled and young people on Waianae Valley Hawaiian Homestead. Two families faced excessive enforcement two months ago, and the community asked DHHL to stop this inhumane action.  For the next five years 800 leases will be cxl'ed if not sooner.  The CXL leases will be sold to the general public on the auction block.  We are not looking to rehabilitate we are looking for a despora to another place for the sake of our children. 

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