November 1946: The iku Hai informed the meeting that the members of the Kumuahakalani had left for Kona, Hawaii, to survey Hulihee Palace, and select a room in which to place our late Iku Lani Hoano's bedroom set; later the room will be dedicated to her memory.
February 1947: Letter from Eddie Namohala of Halau O Kalakaua, inviting the Ahahui Poo to hold a meeting and convention in Hilo on March 28 and 29.
March 1947: Esther Ainoa, Odelia Ordenstein, Gertrude Bertlemann and Eddie Ah Yat, led a delegation of 33 officers and members to attend the convention in Hilo. Plans made to hold another Convention at a later date in Honolulu.
April 1947: Death benefits set at $100.00 with additional allowance to family of $60.00, a total benefit of $160.00.
July 17, 1948: The Iku Hoano (David Kalakaua Kawananakoa) and Iku Niaupio, (Kapiolani Kawananakoa Field), together with Iku Hai, Esther Ainoa, top officers from the Ahahui Poo and officers from the Halau O Kalakaua (Hawaii), held a reorganization meeting in Maui to reactivate the Halau O Liliuokalani. 166 members were initiated and officers elected and installed.
Telegram received from Iku Wohi, Liliuokalani, addressed to Louis Gaspar, Iku Hai: "It is my prayer today that the Beautiful and Ancient traditions of our Society to long held together by the steadfast faith of the old members may be strengthened and enhanced under your distinguished leadership and that the Halau O Liliuokalani may help to guide our people to a place of even greater dignity, nobility and harmony, May God bless you all."
March 1949: Resolution to be sent to Legislature now in session, asking for restoration of Iolani Palace and grounds to their original state, the Palace to be used as a Museum, etc.
May 14, 1949: Halau O Kawananakoa, No. 5, organized on Molokai with Iku Niaupio (Kapiolani) assisted by Iku Hai, Esther Ainoa and Top officers of Oahu and Hawaii assisting in ceremonies.
June 1949: Rent of Hall at Y.W.C.A. increased from $3.00 monthly to $7.00
July 1949: Halau O Kealiiahonui, No. 6, organized at Waimea, Hawaii with Iku Niaupio (Kapiolani), Iku Hai Eddie Namohala of Halau O Kalakaua, and top officers of his Halau, assisting in ceremonies.
October 1949: Death benefit increased from $100.00 to $200.00, with additional allowance to family of $60.00, a total benefit of $260.00.
November 12, 1949: Halau O Kapiolani (Kauai) reorganized, with Iku Niaupio (Kapiolani) assisted by Iku Hai, Esther Aiona, and top officers of Oahu, Hawaii and Maui assisting in the ceremonies.
August 6, 1950: Convention held in Honolulu with delegates from all islands participating. Presidents in attendance: Esther Aiona, Ahahui Poo (Oahu); Eddie Namohala (Hawaii); Edith Waialeale (Kauai); Manuel Rodrigues, (Secretary for Maui); Ernest Uu (Molokai) and William Kahuena (Waimea).
April 1947: Death benefits set at $100.00 with additional allowance to family of $60.00, a total benefit of $160.00."
Haleo na Alii o Hawaii cared enough to create 'death benefits' this was amazing to me to read such concern and care for each other.