There's another family destroyed by illegally smuggled drugs. How horrible! How can this be happening in America, the land of the free? I mean, where are all these drugs coming from? Do they just materialize out of thin air? The government has spent literally hundreds-of-billions of taxpayer dollars to fight a non-existent war against drugs. There is NO war on drugs! The money is being used to finance the continuation of drug-trafficking into the U.S.A. Please keep reading and you won't be able to argue with me. There is no war on drugs! It's all a big scam! 

Think about it. Every time the government declares a war against something, the problem gets much worse. Despite the government's War on Illiteracy, kids are dumber than ever. Despite the government's War on Terror, there's more terrorism today than ever before. And despite the War on Drugs, which has cost American taxpayer's HUNDREDS-OF-BILLIONS of dollars—cocaine, heroine, ecstasy, marijuana and all the other common street drugs are everywhere!!!

Did you know that 16 billion dollars of our tax money is spent each and every year on the alleged War On Drugs? Read Catherine Crier's book, "The Case Against Lawyers" to learn how lawyers, judges and lawmakers are completely destroying America. They're selling their souls for filthy lucre (and selling us into slavery). Learn how the government is looting the economy at our expense (like the 59 billion dollars that mysteriously disappeared from the HUD program, then President Bill Clinton pardoned the HUD kingpin involved, even though the man had been convicted in a court of law. The money was never found.)

Read how 13 of the top 24 governments agencies have not been audited for a decade because their financial records are so screwed up (intentionally?). Crier explains how the alleged War On Drugs is a giant waste of taxpayer money and should stop immediately. We are being lied to and cheated by our own government. Read Catherine Crier's Book, it is eye-opening to say the least.

There is No Legitimate War on Drugs — The War on Drugs is a Big Scam!

If you think it is only a conspiracy theory that the CIA is trafficking massive quantities of opium and cocaine into the United States, you are dead wrong — It is a PROVEN and WELL DOCUMENTED FACT friend (Lots more documentation).  Let's start with California Congresswoman, Maxine Waters. She has taken trips to drug-infested countries like Nicaragua to investigate and document what our own CIA is doing to fight drug trafficking into the US, absolutely nothing! Maxine says, "There is no war on drugs going on in America today!" 

She is doing everything possible to stop the CIA from further destroying south Los Angeles with tons and tons of drugs being trafficked in at an alarming rate. This is not some nut on the internet saying these things, this is a respectable congresswoman of the United States of America!!! And might I add, I am proud of her for taking a stand (Psalm 94:16)!

The CIA should be renamed the "Cocaine Import Agency." Book after book has been written about this present-day evil.

Al Qaeda = CIA

The American people have fallen hook, line and sinker for everything that the global elite have thrown at them. I hate to say it, but it's the best word... Americans are just plain STUPID!

Georgia Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, has also exposed the CIA's involvement in illegal drug-trafficking in the U.S. It's common knowledge that Afghanistan yields a yearly supply of opium (with a street value of $500,000,000,000). Don't believe the lying propaganda about the U.S. military burning poppy fields, our boys are over there protecting those crops!

Thank God for those in leadership who have called for justice, and stand up for what is right as these bold ladies have. As a U.S. citizen, I am proud of Cynthia McKinney and you'll see why HERE. Also read THIS. Families are being destroyed all across America (just like the family featured in the tragic article above)! Children are losing their parents and homes! 

Half the incarcerated people in America are in prison for drug offenses (Catherine Crier addresses this in her book). With only 5% of the world's population, the U.S. imprisons 25% of the world's inmates. Clinton made sure to build many more prisons while in office. Incarcerations more than doubled while Clinton was in office. Read "A Prison Nation HERE." What are they planning for? A police state? Yes, that is exactly right.

Hey, type in the name "Barry Seal" and "drugs" and see what you get. Was Bush connected with Barry SealWow! You'll find umpteen articles on the biggest drug-dealer (CIA agent) in American history. He admitted to U.S. judges that he had flown tens of thousands of pounds of illegal drugs into the U.S. for the government. No wonder the CIA had him assassinated. He even explained how he did it. Seal owned several farms in Louisiana. He would fly guns and ammo down to Columbia and then bring drugs back into the U.S. 

He would fly over his farms and drop the cocaine-filled duffle bags with parachutes onto his property. Slick huh? Then he flew to Mena Arkansas to complete his flight. Do you think it is mere coincidence that Clinton became president, after governing one of the most corrupt drug-trafficking states in the county? Do you think is was coincidence that the Bush brothers governed the two border states of Florida and Texas? No way! Where do you think the drugs are coming in? Friend, you have no idea what is going on in this crazy world today. 

I want to now introduce you to a man I admire very much, Michael Ruppert. Mike used to work as an LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) narcotics officer in the late 1970's, trained in narcotics by the U.S. Justice Department. The CIA tried to recruit Mike to traffic drugs with them. When Mike tried to expose the corruption that he saw (the moral thing to do), he was fired without cause. As Governor Jesse Ventura says, "Don't just go along to get along."

Mike Ruppert has spent the last 25 years fighting the system, trying to expose the lies and tyranny of the CIA (and many other offices of our government). This is no conspiracy theory, Mike Ruppert has presented over 6,000 documents indicting the U.S. government's involvement in decades of heroin and cocaine drug-trafficking into the cities and towns of the United States. You can subscribe to Mike's great newsletter at or go to

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  • Maoliworld is a culture based community in Hawaii--and we care about our people in Hawaii enough to say to these drug dealers they will lose their will to destroy our humanity.  And take a hike to hell!

  • I've known this problem to have existed in South Central LA cause I was there and like most people it was only to vague!

    My respect for Maxine Waters is the reason why I listened and took it to mind!

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