Yes we are to allow this type of shit to go on.  We cannot take on the fricken worlds problem.  This crap needs to stop.

Facebook, Civil Beat, Independent all are limiting to the upper middle class.  None of it works for the real Maka'ainana.  So, where the hell are we going with this it takes compassion, olo's and a whole lot of brains to really want to be part of the Hawaiian community.  

I should not have to sign in everytime that I am on this forum.  I am not the culprit in to be treated like crap.  I don't mind if it helps to clean up the garbage or filt.  But, I don't want to be taken down into the parking lot and down further into the dirt of porn, drugs, and counterfit products made in China.  None of which is my point of contention on Maoliworld forum

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