• Th e scientifi c name for ecstasy is MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Ecstasy is made in
hidden labs, mainly in Europe and the mainland. Ecstasy
is entirely man-made; it does not come from a plant.
Other substances, such as caff eine, cough syrup, cocaine
and even rat poison, are often added to these tablets.
• In Hawai´i, ecstasy use is increasing among teen agers and
young adults. Ecstasy abuse is also rising among the large
military population in Hawai´i.
• Ecstasy is usually taken in pill, tablet or capsule
form. Th e pills can be diff erent colors with diff erent images
on them which show the diff erent “brands.” Other names for
ecstasy are “E,” “XTC,” “X,” “adam,” “roll,” “hug,” “beans,”
“PLUR drug” (Peace, Love, Unity and Respect), “lover’s
speed” and “love drug.”
“PLUR drug” (Peace, Love, Unity and Respect), “lover’s• After the initial “rush” or high, users may feel
anxious, agitated, faint or dizzy. Users may also
experience blurred vision, nausea, chills, sweating,
teeth clenching and grinding, and muscle tension.
• Ecstasy increases heart rate and blood pressure.
It interferes with the body’s ability to regulate its
temperature. It also suppresses the need to eat,
drink or sleep. In combination with vigorous
activity and the heat at raves or clubs (where
ecstasy is often used), users can become dehydrated
or overheated, which can lead to serious heart, kidney
and liver problems, or even result in death.
• Users can experience depression, anxiety and
an intense feeling of fear, and experience
difficulty sleeping for days or weeks, even after
just one use.
• Ecstasy overdose is characterized by rapid heartbeat,
high blood pressure, faintness, muscle cramping,
panic attacks, and, in more severe cases, loss of
consciousness or seizures.
• Continued ecstasy use may result in brain damage
and memory loss.
© 2005 ABLE International. All Rights Reserved. NARCONON and the Narconon “Jumping
Man” design mark are trademarks and service marks owned by Association for Better Living and
Education International. Printed in Canada. ABLE Item 2037d

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