I did not participate fully in front of Honokai Hale. But, for all who did-- stood for all Na Kanaka as well as for the future genetartion which is what this is about. APEC stole the future of our young Hawaiian children. They leave Hawaii with full intent of malice! Our ocean was there product and services. Pseudo-Scientist threw coins into their wishing well for welfare/grants and then claimed to be the stewards of Hawaii with a bold face lie.
In 1951 Manhattan Scientist asked the military to remove the Marshallees from their islands. Three years later the so-called scientist used 'bikini' for nuclear testing. Scientist were at the APEC Hawaii 2011 asking for ocean research funding all the while they are stealing the shores of Hawaii and it's surrounding areas. Their purpose is to seed the ocean with nuclear products to service their reams of bogus venture capitalism known as 'junk science.
Our ocean is pure and should not be used as a commodity for lethal profits.