---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leon Siu <leon@hits.net>
Date: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:47 PM
Subject: Ke Aupuni Update 12/19/12

Ke Aupuni Update
December 19, 2012

Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration
of Ke Aupuni o Hawaii, the Hawaiian Kingdom. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I
ka pono.


Daniel K. Inouye
On December 17, after having served for 50-years, Hawaii’s senior
senator, Daniel K. Inouye passed away. He was both Hawaii’s greatest
champion and its greatest nemesis. Dan Inouye was undisputedly the
most influential man whose efforts helped shape the “State of Hawaii”
into what it is today...for better or for worse. He was the driving
force that solidified the “State of Hawaii” as a fully engaged member
of the United States.

For all the genuine good that he accomplished for the people of
Hawaii, he unwittingly became the greatest opponent to Hawaii’s
freedom. The State of Hawaii’s one-party political machine is Inouye’s
baby. Also, cronyism development boondoggles (like the rail), class
and ethnic warfare, small businesses hostility, unbridled GMO
production and making Hawaii a super-armed fortress outpost of the US’
military industrial complex. This is his real legacy, the rest, the
good stuff, is political window-dressing.

Inouye never accepted that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists and that
it is still a sovereign, independent nation. He could eloquently speak
of ‘sovereignty’ as long as it meant a ‘nation-within-a-nation’ but
could not fathom Hawaii separate from the U.S., therefore he worked to
quell the independence movement by offering the Akaka Tribe ploy.

Even though Senator Inouye used his tremendous power in Washington to
try to deliver Hawaii and Hawaiians completely into the belly of the
beast (the U.S.), he failed to accomplish that.

What he did manage to accomplish was to throw us such enormous
challenges and adversity that it forced us to dig deep into our na’au,
our mo’olelo and the foundations na kupuna gave us, to discover,
recognize and realize who we really are, and to understand our dire
circumstances. Inouye and the Akaka Tribe scheme forced us to stand up
and rally against this sinister threat for the sake of our kupuna, our
mo’opuna and aloha ‘aina. Inouye’s relentless barrage of attacks,
instead of subduing us, drew out the warriors, made us fight for our
lives and our land, made us stronger and forged us into a nation.

Mahalo ke Akua for using adversity through Dan Inouye to spark the
recovery and rebirth of our nation.

The shift in power
On December 11, after serving in the US Senate for 36 years, Daniel K.
Akaka took his official retirement lap around Washington, to much
fanfare, kudos and tributes in DC and Hawaii.

Six days later, Hawaii’s senior senator, Daniel K. Inouye passed away.

In one week, the State of Hawaii went from having the most formidable,
senior representation in the U.S. Senate to practically no
representation at all! This is amazing! Senator-elect Mazie Hirono
(elected to take Senator Akaka’s seat) will not be sworn in until the
first week of January, and of course, Senator Inouye’s seat will be
vacant until Governor Abercrombie appoints an interim senator, until
one can be elected.

What does this mean to the Hawaiian Independence movement? In one
week, the two most powerful and formidable advocates of the Akaka
Tribe “final solution” are out of the picture. [As a token tribute,
today the Akaka Bill was brought to the floor for a vote. Of course,
it did not go anywhere. And looked really silly with everyone focused
of the “fiscal cliff.” ] That means at the congressional level, U.S.
federal recognition of Native Hawaiian tribal status is completely
dead. The only possible avenue federal recognition proponents can use
is the one we blew the whistle on 2 weeks ago...using the executive
authority of the President’s office...

Ku’e against ‘Akaka Tribe’ scheme
Even though Senator Akaka’s bill for Federal Recognition of Native
Hawaiians as a tribe of the U.S. is for all intents and purposes dead
in congress, there are several time-bombs that are still ticking.
These were planted by Akaka and Inouye, the Danner sisters and other
significant actors in conspiracy with the executive branch of the US
government. It involves either activating the Akaka Tribe by decree
through the Department of the Interior or an executive order by
President Obama.

Two weeks ago, a memo was found that ‘connected the dots’ and exposed
the conspiracy to ‘backdoor’ the Akaka Tribe. This triggered a howl of
protest from Hawaiians opposed to Akaka Tribe “federal recognition”.
It also caused closer scrutiny of the scheme and uncovered much
corroborating evidence.

The exposure of the scheme has created major problems for the
schemers, and as people continue to ku’e, this threat can be stopped
altogether leaving a clear path for a Free Hawaii

More soon...

Malama pono,
Leon Siu

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