Hi All,
A situation has come up that encourages me to seek your help. It's the Makaweli Poi Mill (located at Waimea, Kaua'i) situation. A few years ago, OHA, through one of its limited liability corporations, Hi'ilei LLC, bought the mill,...probably, in hopes to maintain and sustain this cultural gem in west Kaua'i. 
Makaweli Valley is a small "offshoot" valley of Waimea Valley where kalo farming has been taking place for, shall I say, centuries. 
The Ching family (my family) has been in the valley over a hundred years - as this is where my father was born (in 1907) and raised. My brother Kenneth continues the family interest in the "family" farm there.
Anyway, the Mill was managed and administered by a non-farmer(s) - it seems with little or no cultural and "local" wherewithall. 
And the Mill was literally "run into the ground" -  suspicions indicate that the Mill was torpedoed from within. Even the recent hiring of a new manager hasn't provided the necessary time and effort to save the operation. Micro-managing and favoritism, among other things, have caused irreparable harm - as the possibility of ear-marked funds for improving Mill operations seems to have been diverted to other projects in other places. Or was the present downfall of the Mill's closing the logical result of poor decision-making and wasted resources? For instance - that bookkeepers in Honolulu are paid more than what the kalo farmers - the backbone of the entire operation - make - is truly ridiculous. Unnecessary plane trips and non-productive marketing schemes are also part of the waste of necessary resources. Unfortunately, even Acts of God, such as devastating floods aren't allowed or tolerated. Well, the results are here - and notice has been given - I'm not sure by whom - that the Mill is destined for shutdown on May 24 (not a lot of time for the community, kalo farmers and mill workers to come up with possibly viable alternatives). However, to throw the economy of mahi'ai kalo and mill workers - and the economy and culture of west Kaua'i - to the dogs cannot be the pono way to go. Even as plans to start up such an operation needed important forethought, the shutting down of such an operation deserves the same consideration. Two weeks do not allow sufficient time for those whose lives (even those of consumers) to possibly provide viable alternatives to save this cultural gem of west Kaua'i. 
If you concur - please follow the link and sign the petition. And if you're further moved - send your concerns to OHA's Administrator - Dr. Kamana'o Crabbe - and to OHA's trustees. Forwarding this plea to others in your network would be most appreciated.  Mahalo piha. ku ________________
MAKAWELI POI MILL operations are being suspended against the wishes of the farmers, employees and community. Mill owner, Hi'ipoi LLC has suddenly and unreasonably given the poi mill and employees 2 weeks notice, with highly questionable plans for the mill's future and no community input. Last day of operations might be May 24th. We need this poi mill as a pono source of healthy food and to support the perpetuation of cultural and agricultural practices that strengthen our community. Makaweli Poi provides 2,000-10,000 healthy servings of poi per week! Makaweli Poi Mill supports approx. 10 taro farmers and 15 employees. We ask that the leadership of Hiipoi LLC follow through on mission to malama the west Kaua'i taro farming community with practical support programs, empower the next generation of taro farmers, and realistically ensure a sustainable future for Makaweli Poi Mill business. Please keep Makaweli Poi Mill operating today and for future generations. Personal letters of support can also be sent to makaweli.poi@gmail.com
Name: Clarence Ching on May 17, 2012 Comments: Closing the mill will leave a small collective of traditional kalo mahi'ai in a small corner of Hawai'i and consumers who can't find comparable product anywhere high and dry. This proposed action may well terminate over a hundred years of my family's involvement in kalo culture in this unique area.
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This is petition for SAVE MAKAWELI POI. Join the movement! Sign now!

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